Page 4 of Tackle Me

My heart in my throat, I’m about to scream. Running away from him and toward home, I move faster than I thought I could. I rush through the park that still has lights, but it doesn’t help if I’m alone with some loony coming for me.

I’m way past calming down. I’m moving faster, out of breath, but I won’t stop. Looking back constantly, he’s jogging after me now. He’s wearing a black hoodie, hiding his face, but the guy’s not tiny.

“Stop chasing me,” I cry out. “I’ll pepper spray you into hell!”

Why do creeps only come out at night? I should have listened to Dad about not going alone through the campus late at night.

My hand’s frantically digging into my full backpack for my phone and pepper spray.

God, this isn’t how I want to die.

This can’t be happening.

The wind picks up, crashing into me, making every step a battle.

Footsteps thunder behind me, growing louder, closer.

Fear grips my chest, and I’m gasping for air while my insides are frozen with fear.

“You don’t need to run from me,” he mocks.

“Yeah, right, psycho!” I’m running faster now because my life has become a horror movie. A scream tears from my throat, hoping someone hears me, while I struggle to find anything in my packed bag.

Forget that. Just run.

I’m approaching a building, and maybe if I keep screaming, someone will hear me.

I take another glance back, and he’s there, closer.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I dart toward the corner of the building that leads to the front entrance, and he grabs my arm from behind. It feels like iron shackled around my wrist. I scream as he tugs me back around toward him, but my feet trip over one another, and I stumble, falling over.

Desperately, I shove against his grasp, staring up at the large-shouldered man, at his face concealed by the hoodie.

I rip free from his hold, scrambling backward on the ground, needing to get up.

He lunges after me. I scream and kick out my foot, striking him in the knee, which is just enough time to scramble to my feet.

“Get the fuck away from me.”

Then I throw my heel right into his groin, but I don’t wait to see him go down. I whip around and run. Panic propels me forward as I round the corner of the dorm building, and I collide violently with someone. The shock sends me stumbling back, a scream tearing from my throat. For a split second, I’m convinced it’s him—the man chasing me.

As I scramble to make sense of what’s happening, my gaze focuses on the person in front of me under the street lights. That’s when I get a real look at the guy wearing jeans and a black tee, but they do little to hide all the muscles. He towers over me, his square jaw set, and his short brown hair is a tousled mess, giving him a rugged look. It frames the most handsome face I’ve ever seen and intense dark blue eyes.

I recognize him instantly. I cringe on the inside that it has to be him, of all people I bump into.

I swear the universe hates me.

Jake… the guy I made out with at a party weeks ago, who made it clear he wasn’t interested in more. I wanted nothing more to do with him after he dismissed me so rudely.

My skin’s crawling from the chase, and my breath’s still racing. I glance behind me at the corner I just took, expecting that creep to appear. As much as Jake is the last person I expected and wanted to bump into, I’m glad he’s here.

“Someone’s chasing after me,” I state, every inch of me shaking uncontrollably.

“Who?” His expression hardens like he’s about to transform into the Hulk. “Where are they?” Before I can say another word, he says, “Stay here,” then goes to look around the corner of the building.

I’m right by his side, peeking out past his huge frame, but there’s no one there.