He grins like an evil genius while my head’s spinning from the most incredible kiss.
“You better get to class before you’re too late.”
Gathering my thoughts, I finally get moving.
“Okay, sure, we can keep up the charade for a bit longer, then I’ll tell Dad we’re over,” I concede, unsure if I’m frustrated or excited about the decision.
As we leave the dimly lit corridor, my body still buzzes, my lips feeling bruised from where he kissed me.
“You sing incredibly, by the way.”
I pause in my tracks, glancing over at him. “Wait, you were listening to us last night, weren’t you? Why would you do that?”
“I was waiting, and the music spilled into the street,” he explains in a matter-of-fact way. “Anyway, I think you’re really talented. You should let your dad hear how amazing you sound, how much you love it.”
I can’t hide my incredulity. My father hates the idea of me singing…anything that reminds him of my mom.
“You don’t know what you’re saying.” My voice trails off. Arguing is pointless. “Anyway, let’s just keep away from each other on campus until things blow over, okay? And no more kissing.”
“Sure,” he answers. “If you can keep your hands off me.” That grin he wears tells me he has no intention of doing that.
It’s been two days since the rumors about Jake and me exploded across campus, and the curiosity and the whispers have only intensified.
Walking across the grounds, I feel stares following me, hear hushed conversations pausing as I pass, and I hate it. It’s unnerving.
“Hey, Em,” a female voice calls out.
I turn to find one of the cheerleaders, a brunette with super short hair, jogging over to me.
“So, a few of us were trying to work out something, but we figured I’d ask you. So, how did you manage to snag a guy like Jake? Trust me, I’ve tried. He’s one of the hottest guys on campus. You should come talk to us, tell us your trick.”
I force a smile, trying hard not to snap at her and stir more rumors about me. Really, I just want to crawl under a rock until this all blows over. I hate this kind of attention… the kind that’s fake and fueled by jealousy.
“Just lucky, I guess,” I murmur before quickly walking away. I can’t stand their attitude that someone like me can’t get Jake, and they’re making a way bigger deal of this than it is.
With an hour to kill before my next class, I decide to escape to the library, craving quiet and solitude. The main floor is buzzing with students, but I know the upper levels are usually deserted, so that’s where I head. I browse through the book aisles, a sense of calm settling over me until I sense someone behind me.
Surprised, I twist around to find myself face-to-face with Jake. He’s standing close—too close—effectively caging me against the shelf of books. A jolt of surprise, of excitement, floods me.
“I’ve been trying really hard to keep my distance… I have, but when I spot you strolling on campus, your cute ass wiggling, your sexy legs teasing me in that tiny skirt, I can’t help myself. I’m a weak man around you, Em.” His voice is deep and intense.
“What are you doing here?” I ask with a shaky voice and a dash of irritation that he’s spoiled my tranquility.
He leans closer, his hair wet and swept off his face, those piercing dark blue eyes calling to me. Every time I’m near him, it’s dangerous how easily I lose my mind. It’s why I’ve been keeping my distance, and even when he drives me to band practice, I try my hardest to focus on anything but him.
“I needed to see you, to talk to you. This whole thing with us faking it…it’s got me thinking.” His hand skips up to the side of my face, cupping my cheek, his thumb running the length of my lower lips. His gaze falls to my mouth, watching it like he’s barely holding on.
My heart’s racing, my mind dueling with pushing him away or drawing him closer.
“I thought we were going to keep our distance on campus,” I whisper, then glance around the library, up and down the book aisle we’re in, to ensure no one is watching or listening. “If we want people to stop talking about us so we can break up without attention, this isn’t going to help.”
He nods, then leans his brow against mine, his breathing speeding up.
“What did you want to tell me?” I ask softly when it looks like he’s not going to say anything, only stare at me.
“I think we should go on a date out to a restaurant or a local diner. I mean, some people are saying we’re together just for sex.”
I blink. “Wait, they’re saying that?”