The only reason I didn’t give into my wolf’s feral instincts then and there was Celeste. She needed me—she neededus.

Somehow, that realization kept my wolf’s basest instincts in check. This was normally more of a battle, but not this time. Despite my outrage, Celeste’s well-being was the most important factor. Her comfort. I ran my hand up and down her back, pressing my cheek against her hair as frustrated sobs shuddered through her.

I could feel the base, animalistic fear, too, radiating from her wolf. I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like to try and shift, then realize you couldn’t. I could only imagine it was like getting caught in a hunter’s trap, steel jaws crushing against bone, with no way to escape more bodily harm. My experience, if anything, was the opposite. There were times when that primal urge was so powerful that it overtook me.

Eventually, when Celeste’s breathing evened out, I leaned down, catching her chin with my finger and guiding her face to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

She snuffled and drifted between meeting my eyes and staring down at her lap. “I’m sorry,” she whispered again. “I’m so—I’m so sorry.”


“I know you must be furious with me,” she blurted out. “But I just—I need you to know I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

I took a deep breath. “I know you didn’t,” I said, and I meant that. I believed her. “I’m not angry with you.”

Finally, she looked up, her silver eyes watery as she searched my face. “But you’ve been avoiding me the last two days.”

I sighed. “I thought you needed the space while you recovered, and I’m—I am notangry, but I am conflicted. Someonedid thisto you, and just the sight of you in this state—” I forced myself to stop and take another breath. “I did not want to take that out on you.” I looked back at her. “I suspect I know exactly who was holding your aunt hostage in Egypt, and that your free will’s been…tampered with.” I narrowed my eyes. “And if it is who I think it is, then they’ve opted to use you as a weapon against me. Who else would be closest to me during the eclipse? Who is the one person I’d simply refuse to hurt?”

Celeste inhaled sharply, then blinked rapidly as she looked away, tears welling up again. I growled despite my best intentions to keep myself calm and wrapped my arms around her more tightly, pulling her closer against my torso. “I will not allow myenemyto use mykhuyaagainst me, Celeste. We will simply change plans and forgo the ritual at the eclipse entirely.”

Celeste reeled backwards, her eyes wide as she looked me up and down. “You can’t do that!” she exclaimed. “You’ve been waiting for the eclipse for centuries. And I won’t be around for the next one if we don’t break your curse now.”

Despite myself, I found one corner of my mouth tipping upward. “I have been waiting foryou, my dear,” I said gently. “Everything comes second to that—even lifting the curse. I am willing to give up on that if it means we both make it through the eclipse—together. I will only be vulnerable for seven minutes. If we can be apart for that short duration, than it is worthwhile.” I paused. “With their plan thwarted, the Solar Sovereign will have to fade into obscurity again. They have no way to build on their power.”

Celeste gave me a dubious look. “This specific eclipse won’t return for another four hundred years,” she said. “If we don’t complete the ceremony, I’ll remain mortal. I’ll live one hundred years, at best, and your inner wolf will still be feral, and only getworse with time. You’ll be alone after I die. You’ll be…wemustbreak the curse, Fenris. There must be a way we can make this work.”

I sighed. I didn’t want to contemplate an immortal lifetime without my fated mate. But risking her now, and robbing us of any time at all, was a worse proposition. “Celeste,” I said, leaning in to kiss her again. “I never imagined I would meet my fated mate, much less that she would be such a brilliant, kind, compassionate woman. I have never loved anyone as I love you now. I would give up everything to spend just one lifetime with you. That includes the chance to break my curse.”

“Really?” She inhaled sharply, as if she couldn’t believe this would be true. “But Fenris, you’re…” She trailed off, waving at me vaguely. “You’re you. The god of wolf shifters. Protector of the paranormal realm. I’m just…Celeste Soleil. Space nerd and a…part-time witch.”

I pulled her into my lap. She didn’t resist. “Do not sell yourself short,” I said, kissing her cheek and nuzzling her ear. “You are also spectacularly patient and capable of seeing the complexity of the mortal condition. Despite our less than ideal introduction, you agreed to help me out. I do not deserve you. I certainly didn’t deserve you then, paranoid and curt as I was, but here you are. I would not give that up.”

Celeste shuddered, squirming in my lap. “Stop,” she said, placing her palms against my chest. Sensing her pulse quicken, I couldn’t help a smug grin while mouthing at her earlobe.

“Stop telling you how wonderful you are?” I asked.

Her soft sigh told me everything I needed to know.

“I think not,” I said, my voice low. “Clearly, you were deprived of the praise you so rightly deserve for entirely too long. I shall rectify that now.”

Celeste squirmed again. “Fenris,” she said, but her voice was already breathier. My grin only grew.

My mind made up, I gathered her close, my arms wrapped firmly around her torso before I stood with her in one swift motion. Celeste all but shrieked, throwing her arms around my shoulders as she clung to me. “Fenris!” she shouted, her cheeks flushing. I could practically feel the sudden burst of excitement rolling off her and allowed it to feed my own mounting desire.

We were only a few steps to the bed, and while I didn’t quite toss her onto the sheets, I was more vigorous than I’d been in the past. Celeste laughed, her silver eyes bright with amusement. My chest warmed at the sight.Thiswas how I wanted Celeste to feel. Always.

“Get undressed,” I murmured. I stood at the side of the mattress, already beginning to unlace my shoes.

Celeste sat up, but paused as she reached her waist. Her fingers traced the hemline of her pants. “All the way?” she said, her cheeks getting pink. It was as if I’d never seen her naked before.

“All the way,” I said. “Unless you would rather I take you half-dressed.”

I couldn’t place the noise she made after that, but she licked her lips and swallowed before grabbing the bottom of her shirt and pulling it over her head. “Not on the bed,” she said.

I faltered only a moment as I did the same. I wanted to askwhereshe thought she might like to go, but I needed to stay focused. “Good girl,” I murmured as she reached to undo her pants.

She whimpered softly, fumbling with her belt loops before shimmying her way out of the pants, tossing those to the side to join her shirt. She paused, dressed only in her dark navy bra and panties, and shivered as she glanced back up at me.