After a moment, I realized I was looking at the teal waters of the Caribbean. I couldn’t name the exact island, but it didn’t matter. My eyes were only for Celeste, giggling girlishly as she scampered through the gentle surf. I could practically feel the warm sea tickling my legs as I followed her, the sea breeze intoxicating as Celeste spun around, laughing as she kicked water in my face. I ducked, and when I looked up, we were now in the snow.

We were back in Snowmass, Colorado. I recognized Keziah Palm’s pack lands at once, but I didn’t have time to admire the tall blue spruces or towering Douglas firs. A snowballthwackedthe side of my face, and I jumped, cold snow dripping into my scarf. I whirled around, shouting to Celeste as she laughed and darted away into the forest, calling out an invitation in her wake.

As I pursued her, the darkness overtook us, and when I came out of the woods, we were back in Europe. France. Paris? Except, as I turned around, I realized it wasn’twe. Celeste wasn’t therewhen dusk faded into a cloudy night, with only street lamps instead of brilliant stars overhead.

I was about to ask when the vision faded, and Celeste hissed and recoiled, closing her eyes tight. “You can’t just hide away during the eclipse,” she said quietly, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “As the Lunar Lord, you’re responsible for the welfare of the paranormal world. Even if you’re okaynow, you’ll slowly become less stable over time. Who’s to stop the Solar Sovereign from taking over when you’re as feral as Lyka? You’d just be like an annoying fly on the wall to her. Even if she couldn’t kill you, she could absolutely make yougo away.”


I hadn’t known if the current Solar Sovereign was asheorhe,and Celeste had just confirmed it. How else would she know if she hadn’t seen my rival for herself?

“Besides,” Celeste said, oblivious to her revelation, “even if she didn’t, you might go on a rampage during your moon sickness and assault humans. Who could stop you? You’re immortal. It’s my duty as the last Handmaiden witch to make sure the Lunar Lord and the paranormal world remain protected. I know I only just learned that, like, a month ago, but I don’t think that’s a good reason to just abandon my responsibility. And…” She inhaled. “I want to make my ancestors proud. I want to makeEnoraproud. Everything is riding onoursuccess, Fenris, and we can’t just abandon people who need our help.”

At last, she met my gaze. “Please don’t change any of the eclipse plans. Not yet. We should keep preparing, and if we don’t need those plans…no big deal. It would be much worse if we ended up needing them when the Order of the Stars scatters across the globe.”

I took a deep breath, fighting the urge to bristle. I knew, though, that underneath all those words, she was pleading notfor the chance, but for my trust. “How do you plan to solve these problems?” I asked.

“I can’t explain,” she said. “But I want to start by helping my Aunt Esme recover, and hopefully we can help Lyka heal as well. I’ll still be training my magic, and if we can get Esme back, she can give us her insights. I…I’m forming a plan, and even though the eclipse is getting closer, I know I can figure this out, okay? I just need you to believe in me. Please.”

I paused as she looked up at me, licking her lips as she held her breath. Her expression was hopeful, if not guarded, and I realized that she was waiting for me to reject her. The thought stung.

Eventually, I gave a stilted nod. “I believe in you,” I said. And I meant that whole-heartedly.

“Thank you,” she said, finally leaning back into my embrace and pressing her forehead against my chest.

I sighed, no longer basking in the pleasant afterglow of sex, but ruminating on our future. I trusted Celeste, yet I couldn’t simply rely on a plan I knew nothing about. I would have to come up with a failsafe—I couldn’t putherat risk for my own sake. I refused.

Chapter 4


Fenris’s Private Villa

Isla Lobo, Panama

Time Until the Eclipse: 26 Days

I slept terribly, plagued by strange dreams and racing thoughts. When I finally decided to give up and get out of bed, the light was still hazy. It wasn’t long past dawn, but I knew I wouldn’t get any more rest.

Fenris still pressed against my back, one arm slung lazily over my hip, but his breath was slow and steady. A haunting fondness crept through me, and I slowly slipped from the sheets before I could change my mind.

Fenris had other ideas.

He rumbled quietly, and his limp arm at once became a strong anchor, his hand shifting to splay against my sternum and hold me there. I debated struggling against him for a moment, but…there’s a real chance I won’t get to do this for much longer.If I failed…

I took a breath and stopped the thought before the worry could gain traction. Even if my “anxiety” growing up was the result of magic I could never express, I still had an excess of it compared to others.

Instead of wiggling free, I settled in, leaning back into Fenris’s chest. I could feel him nuzzle my hair, making a satisfied little noise as he got comfortable again.

He traced gentle lines against my skin, and I paused, interpreting what he was sketching. Eventually, his movements faded, and I supposed he was drifting back to sleep, but when I tried to move again, that firm pressure was back.

I sighed wistfully. “Fenris,” I said quietly, “you can’t keep me here forever, you know. We both have things to do.”

He simply made a pleased noise. “I rather believe I could,” he said. He nipped at my earlobe before pressing his forehead again on the back of my neck.

I couldn’t have kept myself from smiling even if I’d wanted to. Despite the knowledge that this moment wouldn’t last forever, I craved it, anyway. “You probably could,” I said, staring out across the bedroom and into the hallway. “But I need to work on this plan, and I’m sure you have important, Lunar Lord-y things to do.” I could feel him grin against me, and I was glad I could lighten the mood, even if only a little. “Besides, I have no problem picking this up where we left off later today. I’m just…ready to get out of bed.”

“Hmm,” Fenris said, sighing as if this was a massive decision. “I suppose that is agreeable,” he finally said, but not without one last nip to my earlobe before release. “I will hold you to that, though.”