Abi watched me for a moment, her smile falling from her face as she studied me, but eventually, she gave a nod. “No problem,” she finally said, clearly concerned, but at least she’d accepted my answer. “I went to check on your aunt earlier. She still hasn’t woken up, but she’s still among the living! Morgan and Val have been taking shifts monitoring her so she isn’t alone.” She sighed and looked toward the open door. “She looks like she really got put through the wringer.” She grimaced. “Magical torture is some scary stuff.”

I knew she was thinking of her own run-in with the psychic witch, and I reached over to squeeze her knee. Abi looked at me. “It’s crazy to think that just a few months ago, we were at the bridal gown store with her and Liana, you know? Everything seemed so…regular. A nice, normal wedding for you and Ben. A normal gown. I mean, it was pretty! But…” She shrugged. “Normal. No offense.”

“None taken,” I said, giving her a wry look. “I guess it does feel like a whole world away now, doesn’t it?” I sighed as I thought of the girls’ evening. Ben had said he’d pay for the afternoon, but totally flaked. The only reason I’d accepted Abi’s suggestion to spend a weekend in the mountains at a spa in the North Carolina mountains was because he said he’d pay. If I’d known I’d have to pay for it, anyway…

I wish I had tried more things. I was always so careful. Always taking my anxiety ‘medication,’ avoiding anything I even suspected might set it off. Avoiding trips so I wasn’t too far away from Ben. I wish I’d visited more places. Tasted more food. Tried more—

I cut myself off with a sigh before I got too sad. Still, the intrusive thought managed to push through.I might never get the chance now.

If I didn’t find a way to deal with the death mark Zyanya had given me in the next three weeks, I wouldn’t get that opportunity. No matter what that witch had cursed me with, I couldn’t hurt Fenris. I wouldn’t. I’d find a way to break his curse during the eclipse and circumvent what the Solar Sovereign had commanded me to do, even if I lost my life in the process.

“Hey, are you okay?” Abi said, leaning over to nudge her shoulder against mine gently. “I don’t just mean physically. You look down.” When I glanced up and met her gaze, she offered me a soft smile. “You know I’m here for you no matter what, right? Even if you can’t—or don’t want to—talk about it right now. I’m here if you just want a shoulder, or if you change your mind and you just want to vent, but you don’t want me to say anything. Any of it. I’m here for that.”

I sniffed, my throat suddenly feeling thick. Not trusting myself to speak without dissolving into a frustrating amount of tears, I leaned over and wrapped my arms around my friend, squeezing her against my chest. “Thanks,” I said after a few minutes. “That…that really means a lot. I really appreciate you, Abi.”

“Of course,” she said as she returned the hug, gentler than I usually considered my friend to be. “Even if you can’t talk about some stuff or we can’t do everything joined at the hip, I’m always here for you.”

We stayed like that for a few moments before I finally pulled back. “I’m glad we met,” I said, untangling my arms and reaching out to squeeze her hand instead. “You’re always so upbeat and motivated. There are so many things I wouldn’t have done if not for you.” I paused, pressing my lips together. “And while I’d never have wanted you to get in a car accident, Iamglad you got pulled into the paranormal world, too. I couldn’t imagine handling this without being able to tell you about it.”

Abi laughed, bumping our shoulders together as she leaned in. “As if I’d let you keep all the paranormal hotties to yourself,” she said, winking. “Besides. Gilbert is…” She trailed off, looking thoughtful. I had to hide my smile. I’d never seen my best friend look sopensivewhen it came to a guy she’d been seeing. “Well. Let’s just say I’d absolutely get in another five car crashes if that’s what it took to meet him. It was so,soworth getting that chance.”

Before I could reply, Gilbert appeared in the open doorway as if speaking his name had summoned the vampire. “There you are,” he said, hazel eyes settling on Abi. “I was looking for you.” His expression darkened. “Though there’ll be no more car accidents for you.”

“Aw,” Abi said, beaming. I saw a flash of mischief sparkle in her eyes as she held up a finger and gave a “come hither” motion.

Gilbert obeyed without delay, his long strides carrying him over to us in a matter of seconds. As he leaned in, Abi sat up straight, darting in to plant a sloppy kiss on his lips. “You’re so cute when you’re all serious and protective,” she teased, clearly pleased by the flustered expression plastered on his face.

“Can you blame me? You are a danger magnet,” he said, his faint French accent getting thicker, a sure sign she was getting under his skin.

She gave him a smug look as she motioned to her workout tank and bare biceps. “A few more classes with Oakley, and I’ll be able to kick any vampire’s ass. Even yours.”

Gilbert grinned and leaned down to whisper in her ear. Despite his attempts at privacy, with my heightened hearing, I could still make out most of what he was saying. My cheeks went bright red as I cleared my throat. Abi seemed to realize and gave me a wicked grin.

“You know, no one would ever believe the filthy stuff he says, but now I haveevidence,” she said.

“Iamright here,” he said.

“It’s always the quiet ones,” I said. The way Abi’s face lit up was worth it. Gilbert made an exasperated noise. “And he’s had lifetimes to think of these things,” I added.

Her eyes glowed. “You’reright,” she said. “I should raise my bar about what’sspicy.” She paused. “Though I should give credit where credit is due. It’swaybetter than any novel I’ve read.”

Gilbert gave an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes. “After centuries with Piers,” he said, “your teasing is nothing to me.”

My grin soon mirrored Abi’s. “You should ask him to read one of your romance books and see what he thinks. He might have a few pointers.”

“Oh, yeah!” She turned to him. “I bet you could, if you tell Celeste aaaaall about what you did to m—”

Gilbert shook his head, gently placing his hand over her mouth. “If you’ll excuse us,” he said in a strangled voice. I didn’t need my superhuman senses to recognize the speed with which he wrapped his other arm around her, hoisted her off my bed, and spirited her out of the room.

I looked at the empty door, happy Abi had found someone who clearly matched her level of energy—and mischief. I wouldn’t have ever imagined it, but watching her and Gilbert together made sense.

The longer I considered it, though, the more melancholy I felt. I didn’t know if vampires got married, but I’d never get to attend my best friend’s wedding if I up and died in three weeks. I wouldn’t get to go back to Florida and help Liana find a new guy. I’d never get to go on another girls’ trip with them. I’d never get to travel at all.

Hell, I likely wouldn’t get the answers I needed from my Aunt Esme by then. Even if she made a complete recovery from whatever Sabine and Zyanya had done to her, I imagined it would take longer than my own timeline.

I bit my lip and fought the sudden prickling in my eyes when Val stepped into view, gently tapping her knuckles against the door frame. “Ah, you’re awake,” she said. “I was coming to check in on you. How are you feeling?”

“Tired,” I said, sitting up a bit straighter as Val walked over. We’d done this check-up a few times now since I’d gotten back. Physically, I felt pretty good, but my magic still felt far more tenuous than before. “Hey, Val? Have you ever seen a mark like the one I have before?” I asked.