Page 23 of My Hope Charm

Chapter Seven


I been through the whole house and I haven't seen Levy at all. I'm a little worried since I haven't heard from her in awhile and it's making me nervous. I walk into Spencer's office and sat across from him.

"Have you seen Levy?"

"Yeah don't get mad, but I sent her on a small mission."

"Spencer have you lost your mind," I yell.

"It's a small mission nothing too serious she knows how to use a knife and a gun. I know I can trust her but I need to make sure I can trust her completely."

"I understand Spencer I get it."

"So your not mad at me?" I smile.

"No I'm not."

"If it makes you feel better Levy’s mission was a success she got the money and is on her way home now." I couldn't be more proud of her than I am right now. The door opens and Levy comes in with a bag and she places the bag on the couch.

"Good work Levy." Spencer says and Levy smiles.

"Thank you, you shouldn’t have anymore problems with him anymore I gave him a good warning that he better now show his face around again."

"That's my girl." I say with a smile on my face. Levy smiles up at me than takes out the gun and knife onto Spencer desk.

"Business is done for today I'm going to be with my wife and daughter you both should have some alone time before Jordan comes home." Spencer says with a smile.

"Now that sounds like fun we will see you later." I told him as I grab Levy hand and walk her out of Spencer’s office. Levy leans on me as we walk to the living room. I sat on the couch and Levy straddles me.

"Are you mad at me?" Levy asks with worry in her eyes.

"Not at all baby you made me proud today." Levy smiles brightly.

"This family is all I got and I love each and everyone in the family you all made me feel welcome especially Spencer he's been great and the fact that he trusts me means everything to me."

"This family loves you too. I'm lucky to have you in my life you give me hope that I can finally have what my brother has, strong love that can't be defeated." Levy leans in and kisses me softly.

"Jasper I love you so much you are my world you and Jordan are everything to me and I would do anything for you for this family." I grab her waist and pull her closer to me Levy is everything I ever wanted and more and I plan on keeping her forever.

"Daddy." Levy smiles, climbs off of me and sits next to me. Jordan runs into the room and jumps on me.

"Hey kiddo did you have fun with your uncles?"

"I did we had lots of fun at the park.”

“That’s great. Do you want to watch something with us?”

“Yes I want to watch Finding Nemo.”

“That’s one of my favorite movies.” Levy says with a smile.

“Me to.” I grab the remote and put on Finding Nemo for Jordan. Levy scoots over and Jordan sits in the middle of us. I wrap my arm around him. As the day went by, we kept on watching more movies having a fun family day just the three of us. Jordan starts falling asleep he’s head lands on Levy’s lap she runs her fingers through his hair. I haven’t been this happy in a long time this right here is all I ever wanted and I finally have it. I pick up Jordan in my arms and I walk up the stairs with Levy right behind me. I place Jordan in his bed and kiss his forehead and Levy places a kiss on his cheek. I look at Levy and she looks tired.

“How about we go to sleep too.” I whisper in her ear.

“Sounds like a plan.”