Page 9 of My Hope Charm

"Jasper you office door was open and there was a necklace on the desk I didn't want to leave it in there since the door isn't locked so I place it in my bag." She hands me her bag and I took out the necklace. I guess I can trust her a little bit at least I know she won't steal from us.

"Thank you for letting me know."

"You're welcome. One of the machines are not working its number four no coins are coming out like it should be."

"Alright I'll get that checked out, thank you for letting me know."

"Sure thing." She walks away and Spencer follows me to my office.

"See you can trust her."

"All that proves is that she won't steal from us." Spencer rolls his eyes.

"You are so fucking stubborn Jasper give the girl a chance or you will be alone forever."

"Maybe that's what I want Spencer have you ever thought about that?”

"That's bullshit and you know it. If you want to play stupid go right ahead, but don't make the girls life a living hell. No matter how much you deny it you do like her." He walks out of my office and I hit my head against my desk. Why does this have to be so damn hard Levy past the test why can't I just give her the benefit of the doubt? I need to keep busy I'm tired of thinking of everything right now. I dive into work. After working for five hours I was just done with this day, I couldn't think straight at all with Spencer words in my head. I grab my phone and send Levy a message.

Me- Levy come to my office please.

Levy- Be there in a minute.

Levy walks in a minute later and she still has the straight face on and it's bothering me even more.

"We are going home."

"Right now?"

"Yes right now I'm done with today and I just want to relax at home."

"Okay." She sounds shocked and I don't blame her I haven't gone home early from work in awhile. I usually bump into her on my way home and that’s usually late at night. When we go in the car Levy looks tired she probably didn't get much sleep last night. I talked to Sonny last night and he told me that Andrew didn't sleep well the first couple of days unless they were sleeping in the same bed. I don't know what I should do right now I'm out of my comfort zone. When we get to the house Thea was carrying a sleeping Lily and I smiled at her and she smiles back. I walk to Spencer’s office and flop on the chair in front of his desk.

"You're home extra early today." Spencer raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah my thoughts are all over the place and I just want to go home and relax."

"Levy?" He asks, with a knowing smile and I nod my head.

"You know what my son told me this morning?"

"What did my nephew say?"

"He said he's happy that Levy is living with us and that I should date her." Spencer burst into laughter and I roll my eyes.

"See even your son knows you like her and that’s a good thing he approves of her and that there won't be a problem with them. Both kids love her already now it's your play what are you going to do, little brother."

"To be honest I have no idea. When we got to work she got out of the car so fast like she couldn't get away from me any quicker. All of today she’s been getting on my nerves with that bullshit and she has this straight face that just irritates me to no end." Spencer smirks and I know what he's thinking stop fighting your feeling for her already and make your move.

"She's already yours Jasper now it's time to have her, it's your move."

"I hear you brother. I'm going to relax and think about things." I left his office and went straight to my bedroom. I turn the TV on and Jaws was on, perfect, one of my favorite movies. I lay down in bed thinking about everything. Half way through the movie I grab my phone and send a message to Levy.

Me- Come to my room.

Me- Please.

It took her about five minutes to walk in my room she looks nervous and tired. I sat up on my bed and waved her over. She comes closer to the bed and I got up on my knees and I place my finger under her chin and lift her head up and her eyes locked with my own. I lean into her and her breath caught, I stop and lean back.