Page 8 of My Hope Charm

Chapter Three


As I was getting ready and making sure Jordan got ready for school I wrote Levy a note and left it on the pillow next to her.

Levy you can go with Thea to the bakery and I will pick you up after I drop off Jordan at school. Have a muffin and coffee ready for me as well.


Driving Jordan to school he looks happier than usual and I like it a lot. I love seeing my boy happy he hasn’t had a nightmare in months and I’m grateful for that. When Linda sold him off, he was traumatized for awhile and he’s finally getting back to himself.


“Yeah buddy?”

“I like that Levy is living with us now. You should date her.” It was a red light I turn my head so fast in shock.


“Levy likes you and you like her don’t you Dad?” I sighed how did he pick up on that?

“It’s complicated.” This is crazy I don’t know what to do with this at all.

“I think you should go for it Dad.” I park the car and he kisses my cheek before opening the car door. She’s great with kids but I don’t want to make the same mistake twice trusting someone, letting them in and get screwed later. I drove to Thea’s bakery and I look in the window and see the girls laughing, she has a beautiful smile and I have the urge to kiss her and make her happy. I shake the thoughts out of my head. When I walk in the shop her smile fades away and I don’t like it I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much. Thea hands Levy a bag and two coffees then Levy hands me my coffee and the bag.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. See you later Thea.”

“See you when you get home.” Levy walks out of the shop and goes straight to my car with a straight face on. "When we get to the casino for today I just want you to keep an eye on everything make sure nobody is getting into fights, stealing anything."

"Anything else you want me to do?" she asks with a calm and straight face. I know she's not happy about the situation she's in and I understand that, but I don't like that she not looking at me like she's ignoring me and that just makes me irritated.

"That's all, I will let you know if there's something else I need you to do."

"Okay if there's a problem do I go to your office and tell you?"

"Yes that will be fine." I park the car and she gets out of the car before I even turn off the car like she couldn't wait to get away from me. I don't know why that bothers me so much. We walk inside and she starts walking around making sure things are good and I walk into my office, take out a necklace and place it on my desk. I need to make sure I can trust her with the small things like not stealing something for example. I’ve been fucked over once before and I don't plan on going through that shit again. I went through hell with Linda, she cheated on me then lied about Jordan being mine and to wrap it all up in a fucked up now and send me to prison for a fucking year. Finn did his best, if it wasn't for him I would've been in there longer than a year. Trusting someone and letting them in your life specially the mafia life, it's a kick in the teeth when they betray you and I don't plan on going through that again, never. I don't care how gorgeous she is I'm not going down that road again. I went through paperwork for an hour before leaving my office and leaving it open a bit with the necklace on my desk. I sit down on the long couch where I can see my office perfectly but not being that close to it at the same time.

"Why are you not in the office?" Spencer asks with a curious look on his face.

"I have my reasons." Spencer sighs.

"You are testing her aren't you?"

"Yes I am there a necklace, an expensive necklace on my desk and I left the door open a little bit."

"Levy is going to pass your test what are you going to do when she does pass it?"

"How do you know she will pass it?" I ask curiously. Spencer has trust issues just as much as I do. Why does he trust her so easily?

"I have a good feeling about her you just need to get your head out of your ass and see that she's not like Linda." I ran my fingers through my hair I know he's right I just don't know if I can risk it.

"I know she's not, I just don't know if I can risk it especially now that I have Jordan in my life again, he needs me and I need him just as much."

"I know brother just have an open mind that's all I'm asking." Levy walks up to my office and walks in I glance at Spencer and he has his arms crossed over his chest. She walks out of my office a few seconds later when she walks out she closes the door and looks around when she sees me she walks over.

"I told you so." Spencer says with a smirk.