Page 29 of My Hope Charm

“I’m going to sit down over there stay where I can see you.”

“I will Mom.” I sat down on the bench and watch him play with the other kids it was nice to watch him just have fun and help this little girl to the slide.

“Mommy.” I hear Jordan yell and he sounds scared I jump up and ran to his voice he run into my arms and a woman comes walking over to us.

“Who are you?”

“I’m his mother.” This bitch’s got the fucking nerve.

“He’s no longer your son and if you ever come near my son again you will regret it so you understand me.”

“You can’t keep me from my son.” Kinda yelled and I just wanted to punch her in her heartless face.

“Mommy I want to go home.” Jordan says as he grips my leg. I picked him up and glared at Linda.

“Watch me. You are not going to hurt my son again.” I took Jordan to the car and I grab my phone and called Finn.

“Hey Levy is everything okay?”

“No it’s not Linda showed up at the park. Jordan was so scared Finn we need to do something about her I don’t want her anywhere near my son.”

“I understand go home and I’ll be there in a hour.”

“Thanks Finn see you soon.” I drove us home and when I took Jordan out of the car he wouldn’t let go of me. I took him inside and I try to put him down, but he wouldn’t let go of my neck.

“It’s okay Jordan you are safe I won’t let nothing bad happen to you.” I sat on the couch and rock him back and forth in my arms. I don’t care what the hell they do I just don’t want her anywhere near Jordan ever again.