Page 24 of My Hope Charm

“Levy have your freedom back just check in with me once in awhile so I know you are okay.” Levy grabs my face and kisses me softly.

“Thank you,” she says with a smile. I know it was time to give her that she’s almost paid off her father’s debt I do have to say giving her freedom back is terrifying, but I do trust her and I know she won’t leave me, I hope.

Once Levy places her head on my chest her whole body relaxes and she falls asleep I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes.

I look over at Levy still sleeping and she looks peaceful beautiful how did I get so lucky. My phone buzzes and Finn names appears on my scene.

Finn- I got the paperwork it’s all sanctioned Levy is now Jordan’s mom. I’m downstairs.

Jasper- I will be right down now thank you for doing this.

Finn- I was happy to do it.

I slowly close the door not waking up Levy I go down the stairs and Finn was holding papers in his hand. He gives me a genuine smile like he always does, he’s been going through a rough patch lately trying to find his girl that slipped through his fingers awhile ago. Finn has been looking for her for years and he hasn’t stopped looking. He’s been getting close lately but not close enough every lead he gets he’s just a little to late. I hope that he finds her soon. Finn hands me the paperwork and I smile when I see it. I give Finn a hug and he hugs be back.

“All she needs to do is sign it.”

“Sign what?” I turn around and Levy was walking downstairs slowly still trying to wake up fully. I hand her the paperwork and her eyes widen and they got watery.

“All I have to do is sign it and I’ll be his mother?”

“That’s all you have to do and I will file it and it’s all done.” Finn says with a smile.

“Do you have a pen Finn?” Levy asks with a smile on her face. Finn hands her a pen and she signs the paper. She hands him back the pen and paperwork. I wrap my arms around her and she did as well. She leans in and kisses me.

“I couldn’t be more happier than to be Jordan’s mom.”

“Jordan is going to be thrilled.”

“Finn thank you so much for doing this.” Levy gives Finn a hug and he hugs her back.

“You’re very welcome you are family now and we look out for each other. I will see you both later I want to check in on the boys across the street and see how they are doing.”

“Do you really think Jordan will be happy about this?” she ask nervously.

“I do. He asked me about it the other day he’s going to be thrilled, I swear.” Her face brightens up. Levy walks up the stairs and goes into Jordan’s room he was slowly waking up when we got into his bedroom. He rubs his eyes and smiles when he sees us.

“Good morning.” We said in unison.

“Good morning.”

“Hey kiddo we got some good news for you.”

“Really what is it?” he asks with excitement as he sits up.

“Levy signed adoption papers today so you know what that means?” I ask.


“I’m your mom now.” Levy's says with a smile. Jordan eyes widen.


“Yes kiddo she’s your mom now.” Jordan threw his arms around Levy. I haven’t seen him this happy and I love it, this is what you want for your child, for them to be happy and loved and I know Levy loves him as just as I do.

“Jordan I love you and I promise I will take good care of you and protect you.” Levy looks so happy, her smile is so big and bright her eyes are watery.

“I love you too Mommy.” Hearing him call her that was the icing on the cake the tears run down Levy’s face, happy tears and I couldn’t be more happy than right here in this moment right now. My family is finally complete. I wipe away her tears and she gives me the biggest smile and it’s contagious and I smile right back at her.