Page 20 of My Hope Charm

Chapter Six


Waking up I see a note next to me I slowly get up and grab the note.

Levy, Sorry I'm not here when you wake up baby I have somethings to do I will see you later I love you baby.

Love always Jasper

I hope everything goes well with whatever he has to do. I took a quick shower than got dressed. I walk out of the bedroom and over heard one of the guys say Jasper was arrested, this can't be happening. I ran downstairs looking for Spencer I couldn't find him so I walk into his office.

“Spencer what's going on I heard Jasper was arrested.” I said quickly please let everything be okay I can't lose him.

“He was arrested for murder, Finn is with him now everything will be fine I promise.” I took in a shaky breath in and let it out. Spencer wraps his arms around me and I hug him back.

“Jasper didn't do anything wrong Levy he will be back home soon. Jesse is watching the kids you can stay here with me or go over to the boys house.”

“I'll stay here. He will come home right?” I ask nervously.

“Yes he will Finn is the best and Jasper didn't do it so he will be back home some time today I promise. Sit down and relax okay.” I nod my head and sat down on the couch he has in his office. Jasper is smart if he did kill someone he would've covered his tracks he's not stupid. My head is spinning I need him to come home to me things are finally getting good.

“Levy stop over thinking things.” I look up at him and he brings a chair in front of me and grabs my hands.

“He's been to prison before what if he goes back.”

“He's not going to Levy he was betrayed last time by someone he trusted I know you love Jasper and you wouldn't betray him or this family.”

“No I wouldn't I love this family and wouldn't do anything to harm or betray this family. This family is all I got and I love you all.” I meant every word I said.

“We love you too Levy and you are a part of this family. Jasper will come home soon.” I smile at Spencer and kiss his cheek.

“Can I stay in the office with you until he gets home.”

“Yes you can I'm trusting you.” I know what that means I'm trusting you so don't make me regret it and I wouldn't even think of betraying anyone in this family. Spencer sits at his desk looking through paper and he has an irritated face on.

“Is everything okay?” I ask concerned.

“Money was stolen yesterday and I'm trying to figure out where my money is.” Who the hell is stupid enough to steal from Spencer Jerome?

“That sucks and very fucking stupid.”

“Yes it is.”

“Do you know who took the money?”

“I have an idea I'm just not hundred percent sure yet.” I got up and walked over to his desk and saw the picture on his desk and I recognized him.

“He’s at the casino at least twice a week I always have to keep an eye on him because he tried to steal some money from a woman. If you think he did it he most likely did.” I didn't think Nate would be that stupid to try to steal from this family it's suicide.

“Really I'm going to sit on it for a bit then I'll handle it.”

“Sounds good if you want me to keep a closer eye on him I will.”

“Keep your eyes on him just be careful you understand me. I know you’ve been working with Thea and training yourself more but I still need you to be careful.”

“I know I'll be careful I promise.” It's been two hours and I'm still waiting for Jasper to come home. Spencer phone buzzes and I look up at him and he has a smile on his face.

“He's been released and is on his way home.” I jump off the couch and hugged Spencer. I go downstairs waiting near the front door. When the door opens and I saw Jasper I ran into his arms and wrap my arms and legs around him and he wraps his arms around my waist.