Page 2 of My Hope Charm

Chapter One


Four Years Later

Jesse’s fight is about to start and I’m looking forward to it. The guys been here for six months and they are doing great. Jesse is undefeated still, since he’s been here he says he has to work harder to keep up his undefeated streak he likes being challenged. Andrew’s book store is doing great and he loves it. Sonny has his bar up and running I haven’t seen him this happy before and it’s great to see. A little over a year ago Finn helped me get Linda to sign over her parental rights of Jordan to me, after everything that went down with her selling him off I wasn’t going to just hand over Jordan back to her. He starts Kindergarten tomorrow and I’m a little nervous sending him off to school.

The bell rings and Jesse got the first hit in and it was right to the jaw. The fight was in the third round and Jesse looks like he’s having fun as he stays focused. Everytime I see him he gets better and better so is his footwork and I can’t be more proud than I am right now. When he first got here, he asked me to help him train especially with his footwork. Jesse punches his opponent and he was down for the count. The referee raises Jesse’s hand the crowd went wild. I walk up to him and gave him a hug when he jumps down from the ring.

“You get better everytime I see you fight.”

“Thanks. I have to get better or I will lose and I’m not there just yet,” I laugh.

“I don’t think so either.” He put on his hoodie on and I drove him home. The fact they live across the street from us is a gift. Andrew watches Jordan for me from time to time. The kids love the guys they’re are always around. Lily has us all around her little finger and she’s just turned two a month ago. When we walk in the house Jordan was still up and I shook my head.

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

“I can’t sleep,” Jordan says as he rubs hIs eyes.

“Sorry Jasper I tried getting him to sleep.”

“It’s okay thanks for watching him for me.”

“Not a problem I love having the kids over.” I smile up at them both.

“Maybe someday soon you three can have one or two of your own.” Jesse’s face flushes and I laugh to myself. Jesse hasn’t made a choice if he’s going to be with Andrew and Sonny yet and they are not pushing it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t drop a hint here and there. I pick up Jordan who looks very tired.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow, goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” they say back. As I was walking across the street Jordan yawns.

“Dad can you stay with me until I fall asleep.” My eyes widen in shock I haven’t heard him call me that in a long time and it feels good hearing that.

“Of course I will.” When I walk inside the house Lily runs to me, why are the kids up? I bend down and pick her up. Thea walks towards us and smiles.

“Jordan still up as well huh,” she says with a smile.

“Yeah I’m going to put him to bed.” Thea grabs Lily and she pouts. Thea laughs. I walk up the stairs and Lily starts crying and I sigh.

“Bring her upstairs.” I put Jordan down on his bed and laid down with him. Thea puts Lily on my chest and she stops crying.

“Do you want me to stay with you?”

“No it’s fine I got this.” She nods her head before walking out of the room. I rub Lily’s back as I was running my fingers through Jordan’s hair. In ten minutes both kids were sleeping. I slowly got up without waking Lily. I walk into Spencer’s room and he was home.

“Thanks for putting her to sleep.”

“Not a problem.” Spencer grabs Lily and places her in her crib.

“I have to get up early I’ll talk to you tomorrow, goodnight Spencer.”

“Goodnight Jasper.” I close the door softly then went straight to bed.

My alarm goes off and I groan as I turn it off. I slowly got dressed, the door opens and Thea walks in with coffee in her hand.

“You are my savior.” I took a sip of the coffee and I’m ready to start my day. I walk into Jordan’s room and put the light on.

“Jordan it’s time to wake up.” He rolls over and looks at me and I smile.