Page 14 of My Hope Charm

"I don't want to be in the middle of what they have together." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you stupid or something you are a part of the family you know you will never be in the middle you are apart of it they love you it's why they are not pushing you to them because they don't want to lose you. They’d rather have you there than not at all and I know it's killing you not to touch them." Jesse sighs.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes it is Jesse. You do know they want a baby right?"

"Of course I know Andrew always wanted to be a dad. They haven't made a decision on the surrogate mother."

"Are you sure that's the reason?" Jesse looks at me with a questioning look.

"What do you know Levy?" He ask in a worried tone.

"You know why they haven't made a choice yet."

"Their waiting for me aren't they?"

"Look at that your not as dumb as I thought." He rolls his eyes.

"What should I do?"

"That's up to you, nobody is going push you to do something you don't want to do, you have to decide on your own."

"I do want to be with them I just don't know how to place myself with them."

"Take on day at a time don't rush it, but don't take too long to show them that you still want them and love them and go from there." Jesse smiles then hugs me and I hug him back.

"Thank you for the talk. Let's get you home before Jasper loses his shits."

"He already knows I'm with you, so he will be fine." I gave him a smile. He took out his phone earlier and sent a message to Jasper I'm not stupid.

"You notice that message didn't you."

"Yeah I'm not stupid." He laughs. We got into Jesse car and he drove us home it wasn't that far by car.

"Goodnight Jesse."

"Goodnight Levy keep an open mind with Jasper." I nod my head than walk across the street and into the house. When I walk inside my room Jasper was leaning against the wall.

"If you’re here to yell at me for breaking rule number one save your breath and leave my bedroom."

"I'm not here to yell at you." I'm in complete shock that's he's not here to yell at me for breaking one of his rules. He grabs my hand and pulls me close to his body. I yanked my hand from his and moved away from him. He looked hurt and he sighs. He moves closer to me and picks me up and it caught me off guard I squealed and he smirks.

"I'm sorry Levy I know I fucked up tonight and it will never happen again. I'm not perfect, but I'll sure as hell will try and make your life as perfect as you want it, if you just give me a second chance." I place my forehead on his this is the most intimate moment we have ever had. Jasper leans in and kisses me softly. I look into his eyes and I felt everything and more.

"Your second chance starts now don't blow it." Jasper smirks and I couldn't keep a straight face.

"I don't plan on it. I sure as hell didn't plan on letting you go from the beginning."

"Good because I didn't want you to." Jasper smashes his lips onto mine and I felt all of him the need the want all in this kiss. Jasper places me on the bed and I bit my bottom lip as he takes off his shirt than his pants. I toss my shirt and his eyes widen he runs his fingertips on my tattoo of the angel wings under my breast. I haven't shown him any of my tattoos this is the first time he's seeing them. Jasper unbuttons my jeans and slides them off with my panties. He climbs up my body and licks my neck. He looks into my eyes as he slides inside me and I moan as his cock stretches me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down into a kiss. Sliding my tongue in his mouth and we both moan. I thrust my hips forwards meeting with his thrust and my eyes roll to the back of my head. Jasper moans deep in his throat and it was so sexy. Jasper rotates his hips each roll of his hip hits my spot and my body shakes as my orgasm rips through me. The best orgasm of my life. Jasper rides out his orgasm. He pulls out than wraps me in his arms.

"Levy thank you for not saying anything to the police." He kisses the stop of my head and I snuggle into his body.

"I got your back Jasper always."

Hearing a scream in the middle of the night Jasper and I jolted awake. Jasper runs out of the room and I was right behind him as he runs into Jordan room. I have never heard Jordan scream like that, he sounds terrified. Jasper grabs Jordan into his arms and rocks him into his arms.

"It's okay Jordan daddy here you are safe."