Page 35 of My Good Luck Charm

Chapter Ten


Jasper has been very stressed out the last couple of days, shit we all have. That stupid cunt sold her five year old son off to Dan Williams because she owed him money so she gave Jordan to Dan to sell him off. If I ever get my hands on her she will have a slow and painful death. So I'm going to the Casino with Jasper to help him out so we won't get more stressed out then he already is.

"Are you ready to go Thea?" he asks.

"Yeah I'm ready."

"Thanks for coming to work with me."

"Of course your my big brother and I would do anything for you even deal with stupid idiots." He laughs.

"And I love you for that." I get in Jasper's car then he drives to the Casino. It's been awhile since I’ve been at the Casino, but it hasn't changed a bit still looks great. We walk into his office and I sit in his chair.

"Sure sit in my chair like your the queen of the place." Jasper says with a smirk.

"What the hell do you mean I am the fucking queen." Jasper laughs and kisses my cheek.

"Yes you are." I smile at him. A man walks in and starts talking to Jasper about the money he owes him, he hands Jasper a good amount of cash.

"Thea grab the paper in front of you and subtract three thousand from it."

"Sure thing." I subtract three thousand from the price that is circled.

"He has ten thousand dollars left." I said.

"Thank you. You are getting there you keep this up you will owe me nothing."

"Thank you for all your help and for being patient with me about the money." The man says with a small smile.

"You're welcome." The man leaves and Jasper has a small smile on his face.

"For a person who owes you money you like him."

"He’s not a bad man he was in a bad situation and needed money so I gave him some. It wasn't even for him it was for his little girl she got very sick and their Insurance didn't cover everything so he came to me for help and I did. He's been paying me back slowly for the last two years."

"You my big brother are a good man to help him out like that. Usually they would be at least some broken bones by now."

"He has a different story than most people. Other people it's always about themselves with him it was about his little girl." I stood up and hug him.

"You will be a great dad one day." I whisper into his ear.

"I don't think that would ever happen," Jasper says with a sad tone.

"Why would you say that?"

"For me to have a child I'll have to trust a women again and I don't see that happening anytime soon." I sigh.

"You never know Jasper she might be right under your nose and you just don't know it yet." I help Jasper most of the day but I had to check on my bakery and get some things ready for the morning. Jasper drops me off and I lock the door behind me. I go to the kitchen and start making the muffins. I’ve been here for an hour when I hear my phone ring I grab it off the counter and read the message.

Spencer- When are you coming home.

Thea- I’m about to leave the shop now see you soon.

Walking out of the shop I lock the door and someone put a wrap over my face I drop my keys and elbow the person but someone else grabs a hold of me and holds me down, I struggle as much as could before everything went black.

When I gain consciousness I see Frank leaning against the wall and we were alone.