“Hey Dad, who’s the girl on the couch?” I ask curiously.
“That’s Jenny’s daughter her name is Thea, you will see a lot of her so don’t be mean to her she needs our help. You know how her mother is and it’s our job to keep an eye on Jenny and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. We have to protect Thea she’s a sweet girl you will like her. When I’m gone it will be you and Jasper’s job to look after Thea.”
“I understand Dad.”
“Now go introduce yourself to her.” I walk over to to her and sit next to her.
“Hi, my name is Spencer.”
“Hi Spencer it’s nice to meet you, I’m Thea.”
“It’s nice to meet you too Thea. Is there something wrong?” Thea looks sad and I don’t like it, I might not know her well yet, but she is a part of this family now and it’s my job to make her feel better.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine.”
“I don’t think that’s true, I think there’s something wrong. You can talk to me Thea about anything.”
“Mom is mean a lot and I don’t sleep much, it’s loud at the house. I’m tired.”
“Thea you don’t need to worry I will take good care of you I promise, I will always be here for you whenever you need me. I will be right back.”
“Okay.” I walked over to my dad to talk to him.
“Is everything okay Spencer?”
“Yeah, Thea is going to stay the night here. I will do whatever it takes to protect her even from her mother.”
“Alright son take her upstairs, she looks tired.”
“She is, Thea hasn't been sleeping much.” I walk over to Thea and reach for her hand.
“Come with me. You are going to stay the night here.”
“Really?” She looks at me with a questioning look on her face.
“Yes really, come with me.” Thea grabs my hand as we walk upstairs. Dad smiles at us and Thea smiles brightly at him. I take her to my room and it’s late she can use some sleep. We lay down on my bed, she looks so tired and could pass out at any moment. Thea rolls over and her head lays on my chest.
“Thank you Spencer for being my friend.”
“You’re welcome.” From this day forth I will protect her no matter what.
Present Day
“I’ll take her.” I say calmly.
“Really, so I’m free to go?”
“Yes you are free to go, but you better not cause any problems do you understand me?”
“I understand Mr. Jerome.”
“Good, you may go now.” When she leaves my office I look over to Jasper.
“I want eyes on her at all time, I don’t trust that woman at all. This makes no sense why wait until know to ask to be released.
“I don’t either and the fact that she just sold her own child to you is unfucking believable, I know she’s always been a selfish person but this is going way to far. Honestly if she was going to pay you to let her go she was probably going to sell her to someone else to be honest I’m glad she sold Thea to you instead. Thea is going to be so pissed.”
“I know, speaking of Thea can you please bring her back home.”
“Sure, I’m so not looking forward to this.”
“Yeah I’ll tell her what happened. We both made a promise to dad and Thea that we would protect her no matter what and we are going to keep that promise even if she hates us for it.”
“I know, well I’m going to have someone follow her then get Thea, see you in a bit.” Once Jasper leaves my office I let out a big sigh as I lean into my chair this is going to be tough to get back on her good graces, but as long as she is safe I don’t care how she feels. Okay that’s a lie I do care but her safety comes first if she hates me than I’m just going to have to deal with it.