"It's good to see you to Finn wish it was in better circumstances though."
"I do too. I was actually on my way to visit when I got the call from Jasper. I'm going to get started, you rest up."
"Will do, it's not like I have a choice anyways." Finn laughs.
"No doubt there, it's good seeing you both together it's way overdue." I smile. Finn has been the guys lawyer for years and there friend as well. Finn is a smart guy he became a lawyer at a young age, he's been around for years taking care of the family and just being our friend through the years. He's a great man hopefully he can find a women that will be loyal to him. Even though there's only one girl for him she's the one who got away he's never been in a serious relationship for that reason he's still in love with her hopefully they can find each other again one day.
"You okay?" Spencer ask.
"Yeah just thinking."
"Oh really?" he says with his eyebrow arched.
"Not like that Spencer." I roll my eyes.
"Finn he can find anyone he does that shit all the time. Why hasn't he tried to find her?" Spencer looks into my eyes and smiles.
"He has tried she's the only person he can't find for some reason it's like she doesn't exist." My eyes widen in shock so he has been trying to find her all this time.
"Hopefully one day they can find each other again." I say with a smile.
"I hope he does find her he deserves to be happy."
"I agree so does Jasper." I say with a smile.
"Yeah, but there's nobody he's interested in."
"Yet." Spencer looks at me weird like he's trying to figure something out.
"What I just think there's someone for everyone he just hasn't found her yet." I slide under the covers than kiss Spencer cheek.
"Get some rest."
"Goodnight baby girl."
"Goodnight." I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes I need to wake up early in the morning I have a plan to figure out what my mother is up to, I'll do that first thing in the morning.
For the last couple of days Finn’s been coming in and out checking on Spencer and giving him information about Frank Williams. Apparently my mother has been knowing him for years before I was even born, he’s eight years older than me. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around everything but I can’t. They knew each other back in the day before coming here and working for the Jerome’s, all that makes sense at this point is that my mom has been undercover being here but giving Frank information and what not. That’s the only thing that makes sense and I won’t be surprised if she is, but I’m not going to let her take away my family from me, the Jerome’s and Jasper has been more of my family then my own mother and that is sad. Dan has been protecting me my whole life now it’s my turn to protect this family from everyone including Jen, she’s no longer my mother. Spencer rolls over in bed and wraps an arm around me. It’s been a week since Frank had his men had taken Spencer he’s been good not fighting with me about taking it easy. He’s been doing well all that week, but I know he’s going to start getting back into everything today.
“Thea why are you up it’s four in the morning?” Spencer asks in a groggy voice.
“Can’t sleep,” I told him. He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head.
“Stop worrying about everything we will figure out what’s going on. Finn gave us good information about Frank.” I sigh.
“Yes he did, but like always Jen is in the fucking middle of it all. There’s something we are missing I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Be you Thea. Do whatever there is to find out what you want to know. Now go back to sleep and we will deal with the other stuff in the morning. Hearing Spencer’s heartbeat soothes me and I start to drift to sleep.