“It’s actually going very well, some of my regulars that I had when I worked for Jim came here.”
“That’s no surprise Thea everyone loves your baking.”
“Thanks Jasper.”
“I’ll see you when you get home. I have somethings to take care of.” I nod my head in understanding. Hopefully they get rid of all the drugs from our town. I grab my phone to message Spencer about how the bakery is going.
Thea- The bakery is doing very well on it’s opening day.
Spencer- That’s great, I knew you would do great babygirl. I will talk more when you get home there’s a matter that needs to be dealt with.
Thea- Understand stay safe. Oh do you want me to bring home some cupcakes?
Spencer- Do you really need to ask hell yes please bring some home.
Thea- Lol, I got you.
Bagging up some cupcakes and muffins I sit them aside when the door opens.
“How can I help you?”
“Can I have two vanilla cupcakes please.” A man says with a little girl holding his hand it was very cute. I turn around and grab two cupcakes from the rack and I hand one to the little girl and one to the man.
“Thank you.” The little girl says with a smile.
“You’re welcome sweetie.” The man pays me then leaves. I bag a few more cupcakes and muffins for the guys then lock up the bakary. I put the bags in the passenger seat and then slide into my driver seat. When I get home I put the bags on the kitchen table. I’m not home for more than five minutes and everyone is all over the fucking place like there’s a damn crisis going on. Ricky walks past me looking stressed the fuck out.
“Ricky what’s going on?” I ask with concern. He hesitated then sighs.
“Spencer has been taken.” He says calmly. My heart drops.
“What the fuck do you mean he was taken Ricky?”
“I was on the phone with him when it happened.”
“How the fuck does a mob boss get taken explain that to me!” I yell. Jasper comes downstairs in a rush he comes up to me and lifts my chin up.
“Don’t worry I’m going to bring him home to us just leave it to me, but I need you to take care of the kingdom while we are gone.” I nod my head.
“Listen up everyone who is staying put, Thea is in charge don’t disrespect her she is your boss do you understand me.”
“Yes sir.” They say in unison. Once they left I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, I need to stay calm he will be fine, Jasper will find Spencer.
“Ricky come with me.” I walk into Spencer's office and sat in his chair.
“Was there a reason for the call with Spencer?” I ask.
“Yes, it was about your mom. He told me to keep him updated about her whereabouts.”
“Okay what’s going on?”
“Well your mom is out of the state and she’s been meeting with a mob boss that runs the state of Florida. Jen also moved in with him as well.” My eyes widen in shock.
“What do you think she’s doing there?”
“Honestly I’m not sure, but nothing good this just might be what we been looking for. The question is what did she switch up for?”
“That’s a good fucking question Ricky. Keep an eye open and update me if you feel like something is off call in and make sure you check in every day.”
“I will.” Ricky leaves the office and I sink into the chair. What the fuck are you planing mother?