Page 13 of My Good Luck Charm

“I man who’s been sneaking drugs in our town.” My eyes widen in shock.

“Don’t worry baby girl I’ll take care of it.” I nod my head as he walks back inside. When I was a kid there was a lot of overdoses and a friend of the family died from one, that’s when Dan took action and put a stop to all drugs. I get out of the pool and took a quick shower. I put on a pear of black leggings and a black top. I walk downstairs and turn to the right walking down the hallway. Walking up to the last door I slide to the floor. Behind this door is what I call the torture room. I’ve been in the room with Dan before. He trained me with everything so I know how to get information out of people if needed. Jasper walks out of the room his eyes widen in shock to see me and I don't blame him, They don't know that I know about this room.

"What are you doing here?" he asks with a curious voice.

"How’s it going in there did he say anything?"

"No, not yet. How do you know about this room?" The door opens and Spencer walks out.

"What are you doing here?"

"Like I asked Jasper has he said anything yet?"

"No he hasn't. How do you know about this room?"

"Dan took me in this room before."

"He what? I don't remember him doing that." Spencer says with a look of shock all over his face.

"Dad trained me just as much as he trained you boys he taught me everything he knows." I get off the floor I grabbing the door handle.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to get some answers."


"Don't worry Dan taught me well I know what I'm doing." I walk in and headed to the room where my gloves should be at and there they were still where I left them. Putting them on, I walk to the man who is tied up to the wall.

"Who is your boss?" he laughs.

"You really think a little thing like you can make me talk unlike those two men behind you." I smile.

"You will tell me what I want to know. Who is your boss?" He doesn’t say anything I grab the knife from the table and stab his thigh he groans in pain.

"Your going to have to do better than that sweetheart." I turn the knife in his thigh and he screams.

"Do you feel like talking now?"


"I would be careful what you say because the two men behind they don't like it when I get disrespected." He spits on the floor next to my feet. I take the knife out of his thigh.

"Who's your boss? And where are you selling your drugs?" He spit on the floor again with blood coming from his mouth. I cut his chest and he groans.

"Tell me what I want or this is going to get ugly." Still nothing. I stab him on his side.

"Do you really want me to twist the knife again?" Nothing I sigh as I twist the knife and he screams. I twist the knife a couple of times before he screams stop.

"Stop I'll tell you, stop twisting it."

"What's his name? And where are you selling them at?"

"John Wilson and the dance club." He spit up blood.

"You do know if your lying to me that's the end for you."

"Yes I know." I look over at Spencer and Jasper they are in complete shock and now I understand why Dan always trained me in secret most of the damn time. I was his secret weapon and the boys didn't know about it.