Page 52 of Temel

“That’s what I said,” Tommy piped up.

Kalpar hesitated for a moment.

“You make the commander happy. We see that and we are grateful. He deserves it.” When grateful tears sprang to her eyes, he took a quick step back. “I will leave you to rest.”

Naffon shook his head as the door closed behind the other male.

“Not the most graceful exit, but no doubt he is correct. Rest well, Ida.”

His eyes darted to Dora for a brief second before he bowed his head and departed as well.

“You really should tell me what happened between the two of you,” she told Dora, then winced.Oops. She was speaking her thoughts aloud again.

“It was nothing,” Dora said firmly. “But you should know?—”

The door opened again and this time Temel entered, holding up a scrap of paper.

“You did leave a note, but it must have blown off the table because it’s such a small piece of paper. I found it under the bed. That’s why you didn’t see it, Dora.”

Her daughter nodded, looked at the two of them, then rose.

“I’ll visit you again in the morning, Mama. Come on, squirt. Time for bed.”

“I wanna sleep with Mama,” he protested, throwing his arms around her neck.

Temel opened his mouth, but she gave him a quick shake of her head and he shut it again.

“Go with your sister, Tommy,” she said firmly.

He gave a beleaguered sigh, but sat up and climbed off the bed.

“I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

They each kissed her and left, silence descending over the room.

“Do you think that’s all of my visitors?”

“I hope so,” he muttered.

“Me too.” She made a weak attempt to pull back the covers, her arm growing heavy again. “Come to bed. I want you to hold me.”

“Are you sure?”



“Don’t argue with the injured person,” she said sleepily.

He laughed and finally kicked off his boots and joined her, drawing her carefully into his arms.


“It would be better if you were naked, but I suppose this will do.”

“The moment that bandage is off your ankle, my naked body is at your disposal.”

“Good,” she yawned. “That gives me lots of time to make plans.”