Page 22 of Temel

He knew he shouldn’t, but he could no longer resist. Kissing was not a Kemberian custom but he’d seen it done often enough to be curious—and Ida was the only one who’d ever tempted him into fulfilling that curiosity. The pressure of her soft lips against his was decidedly pleasant, but he was about to move to more responsive areas when she sighed against his mouth and her lips parted.

Her tongue came out to tentatively touch his, and he groaned at the erotic contact as her sweetness flooded his mouth. The intimacy of the act was both shocking and arousing, and he stroked his tongue into her mouth. She accepted him eagerly, her arms tightening around his neck and her lush breasts pressing against his chest, the hard peaks of her nipples a sweet temptation. The sensation made his cock harden even further, and he ran his hands down her back until he could cup her ass.

She gave a soft squeak as he pulled her against him, but then she rocked against the thick bulge of his cock and sighed into his mouth. It was almost as if she were melting into him, and he wanted more, wanted her naked and willing beneath him, wanted to take her right here in front of the fire, claiming her as his. Instead, he slowly gentled the kiss, nuzzling her cheek and throat before leaning back to study her dazed expression.

“I never understood the attraction of kissing before. But now…” He ran his thumb along her swollen lower lip, struggling for control when her tongue darted out to taste him. “It is a heady pleasure.”

“You’ve never kissed anyone before?”

She blinked at him, a slow smile crossing her lips when he nodded. He smiled back, caressing the delicate shell of one ear and the sensitive chord of her neck just to see her shiver with pleasure.

“I knew there would be passion in you.”

She blushed, that delightful pink flush coloring her cheeks.

“There hasn’t been much opportunity for passion in my life recently,” she admitted. “Or ever, really.”

He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking.

“Your previous mate did not inspire passion?”

“Not like that. Our relationship wasn’t bad exactly, just… unexciting. He must have thought so too, because he never came to my bed again after Tommy was born. He had the son he wanted—or at least the one he said he wanted.”

“You don’t believe he did?”

She sighed, looking down at her hands as they toyed with the fastening of his shirt.

“I don’t know. Maybe it would have changed as Tommy grew older, but Abner had very little interest in a child. And Tommy was smart enough to recognize that.”

“He’s very intelligent,” he agreed. “He must take after his mother.”

She smiled, and this time she kissed him. He had her bent back over his arm, his hand on her breast before he came to his senses and reluctantly raised his head. Even more reluctantly, he released the soft flesh filling his hand and pulled her up into a sitting position.

“You are a very tempting female.”

Her flush deepened again and he was quite sure she would have kissed him again if he hadn’t held her gently in place.

“But I want to make it clear that if you decide to work for us, this is not part of the job.”

“Well, of course not.”

She looked so indignant that he laughed. “As long as you know.”

“But you aren’t saying you don’t want to kiss me, are you?”

“Gods, no. I would be happy to spend hours kissing you.” He brushed a finger lightly across those impudent nipples. “Exploring you. Tasting you.”

She swayed towards him even as he sighed and returned his hands to her waist. “But we both have responsibilities.”

“I know. Maybe we should call it a night?”

“One more kiss first,” he growled.

One kiss turned into three and then four and by the time she finally pushed gently against his chest, her lips were pink and swollen, an equally pink and swollen nipple peeked from the unbuttoned top of her dress, and his cock was so hard he could have driven a nail through an iron bar.

“I’m pretty sure that was more than one kiss,” she whispered as she sat up and started buttoning her dress. “And if we keep going, I’m afraid we’re going to end up doing a lot more than just kissing.”

His cock jerked an enthusiastic assent, but she was right. He didn’t want to destroy the tenuous bond between them by rushing her.