Page 57 of Temel

“But Dora doesn’t even like him!”

“Are you sure about that? For someone who claimed not to like him, she spent a lot of time watching him.”

She nodded reluctantly. “You noticed that too?”

“I did. And I believe the fact that he was equally aware of her means he will not give up until she’s found.”

She couldn’t disagree. The two of them did have a connection, however odd.

“I hope so, but I hope it doesn’t take long.”

Naffon senta brief daily message reporting on his search efforts but it was almost a week later before he finally sent the one she’d been hoping for, and by that time she was a nervouswreck. Temel had done his best—and it was a very good best—to distract her, but she couldn’t help worrying. It didn’t help that she had to keep up a calm facade to avoid worrying Tommy. Although Temel tried to hide it, she knew he’d been worried as well. He gave her a relieved smile as he read her the message Naffon had sent to his comm.

Found them. Both perfectly safe. Heading back.

“Oh, thank goodness. Where did he find her? Did he say? And how long will it take to get back?”

Temel laughed and shook his head.

“I don’t know anything other than what I just read to you.”

“Can you call him back and find out?”

“I’ll try, but the signal is very weak.” He tapped the device, then shook his head again. “And now it’s gone. I’m sorry, my sweet.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m just glad to know they’re safe. Naffon will take care of her, won’t he?”

“Of course he will. He may occasionally be reckless with his own life, but he would never endanger a female or an infant, and especially not Dora and Angel.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

Instead of answering her, he began to toy with the top button of her blouse. Her breath caught, her nipples tightening as he slipped it open and moved to the next one. He kept up the same leisurely pace as he worked his way down the row of buttons, but with every brush of his hands against her increasingly sensitive skin, her arousal grew.

“Now then,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “Since you know Dora and Angel are safe, do you think you can concentrate on your pleasure?”

“I’m sorry if I’ve been distracted.”

“I understood why.” He slipped his hand into her open blouse and tugged on her nipple, smiling when she gasped and arched into his touch. “But I enjoy having your full attention.”

“You have it,” she said breathlessly as he moved to the other peak, increasing the pressure. “Do I have yours?”

“Always? Why?”

“Since Dora and Angel have been gone, I’ve realized how much I missed having a baby around the house.”

He froze, his hand still on her breast.

“What are you suggesting?” he asked slowly.

“I thought that if you were willing, maybe we could try for a baby.” He still hadn’t moved, and she bit her lip. “If you want to, I mean.”

“I can think of nothing I want more. I love you, Ida.”

And then he was kissing her, his mouth hard, passionate, and wonderful.

One year later…

Temel openedthe door to the nursery, not surprised to see Tommy peering down at his brother. His son was still fascinated by the new baby.