Page 49 of Temel

He held her tighter, only too capable of envisioning how much worse the fall could have been.

“I didn’t dream it, did I?” she asked slowly. “You did say you loved me?”

“I did. And I intend to spend the rest of my life proving it.”

Another smile crossed her lips before her eyes drifted close. He gathered her close as the horse walked through the silent woods and thanked the gods once again that she was safe in his arms.


Ida floated inside a fluffy pink cloud, vaguely aware that someone was manipulating her ankle. She flinched, expecting pain, but there was nothing except a slight stretching sensation.

“She moved,” Temel growled. “You promised this would not hurt her.”

“It is not hurting her. She is not in distress.”

She didn’t recognize the second voice but it had a coolness that reminded her a little of Kalpar. Her ankle was moved again, then enclosed in a soothing heat and she gave a relieved sigh.

“She is lucky. It is sprained, but not broken. Keep it wrapped in that protective bandage and make sure she stays off of it for at least a week.”

“I will carry her everywhere she needs to go.”

Temel was still growling and she smiled.

“No, you won’t.”

“Are you awake, my sweet?”

Even with her eyes closed, she recognized the hand holding hers and she smiled again.



Familiar lips brushed against her cheek, and she finally forced her eyes open to see Temel smiling down at her. Despite the smile, his face looked strained and she tried to lift her hand to smooth away the wrinkle between his brows but it weighed too much for her to move.

“You look tired,” she whispered.

“That is because he has exhausted himself trying to dictate how I should care for my patients,” the second voice said impatiently, and she managed to turn her head far enough to see a huge male with copper colored scales and wings. Wings? And why did he seem oddly familiar?

“Are you a dragon?”

“No, I am Arkani. For some reason you humans refuse to acknowledge the distinction.”

Despite the rather mocking response, the hand that picked up her wrist and found her pulse was exquisitely gentle.

“She is recovering from the anesthesia,” he told Temel. “Give her one of these tablets each hour for the next six hours. No more, no less. Then one every four hours for another twenty-four hours. Then one every eight hours for the rest of the week.”

Her fuzzy brain finally cleared enough for her to recognize the male standing over her.

“You’re the doctor.”

“Indeed. I am Drakkar.”

“Did Rosie have her baby?”

For the first time, the rather harsh face softened.

“Yes, a son. Both mother and child are doing well. The fact that you were able to calm her fears made the delivery much less stressful than it might otherwise have been. I should send you to all my maternity patients.”