Page 26 of Temel

His eyes glinted silver in the dimness of the stable as he put an arm around her waist and gently tugged her towards him.

“Absolutely not, my sweet.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. “It is my honor to watch over you.”

He cupped her face, tilting her head back to give him better access, and kissed her. His other hand skimmed down her back, stopping just short of her rear. Her body responded instinctively, her breasts aching and her knees turning to jelly. His tongue slid across her bottom lip, coaxing her to open for him before dipping inside. Her hands slid up around his neck and then into the short, thick softness of his hair. They brushed against the base of his horns and he groaned into her mouth, pulling her closer, the thick bar of his erection a tantalizing promise against her stomach. She slid her hand towards it?—

A loud whicker startled her, and she jumped. Temel raised his head, his breathing as rapid as hers.

“A timely reminder, I’m afraid. We’d best be on our way.”

Despite his words, he held her for another long minute before finally stepping back.

The stallion he had ridden yesterday was in his stall and Temel saddled him, then saddled the smaller mare in the next stall and led her out. She gave the horse a nervous glance and he immediately paused.

“Would you rather ride with me instead?”

Yes. Despite her instinctive response, she shook her head and let him lift her into the saddle. Her dress made it a little awkward, but the mare stood calmly as Temel returned to the stallion and she started to relax.

“We’ll go slowly,” he promised, and urged his horse forward.

As they rode out of the stable yard, she looked over to see Tommy skipping along next to a grinning Naffon, clearly talking a mile a minute. He waved cheerfully when he saw her and she returned the wave, happy that he seemed content to remain behind.

Her horse obediently followed Temel’s horse, and she found herself settling into the saddle. It was easier without Dora and Tommy to distract her, and the lessons of her childhood began to resurface, giving her the confidence to ride up next to him. He looked over and smiled.

“That’s better. Would you like to go faster?”

“Maybe a little.”

He urged his horse into a trot and her horse followed. The morning breeze ruffled her hair, blowing the strands away from her face, and the sun shone down as she turned her face up to its warmth. The short grass was a bright green now that the storm had passed, and she could smell the tang of damp earth and the scent of wildflowers in bloom.

It was a beautiful day and the beauty of it combined with the rhythmic movement of the horse, making her feel languid and slightly aroused. The smooth leather of the saddle cradled her bottom, only the thin cotton of her drawers between her skin and the seat. She was acutely aware of the pressure of the saddle against her clit as she moved with the horse. By the time they reached the section of road that ran beside the creek, she was squirming in her saddle and trying to ignore the fact that Temel’s eyes were gleaming silver again.

“The creek’s gone down.”

His voice was carefully neutral, and she forced herself to look over and focus on his words. The rushing water was now below the banks of the creek, although it still flowed quickly.

“Yes. Hopefully the road will have drained by now as well.”

“Hopefully,” he echoed, those gleaming silver eyes dancing across her body.

Could he tell she was aroused, the folds of her sex damp and swollen? If so he didn’t say anything, and she shifted in the saddle again as they continued down the road.

The water that had flooded their clearing was also considerably lower but it still covered the road, her overturned carriage like a mournful island in the muddy water. He dismounted and approached the edge of the pool, bending down to test the current.

“It should be safe, but it’s still a little fast for my liking, and I don’t like the fact that we can’t see the surface beneath the water.”

She sighed and nodded. The last thing she wanted to do was take the chance of another direct encounter with the icy stream.

“Then I guess it’s the long way.”

He mounted again and brought his horse up next to hers.

“Or you could give it one more day. If it subsides as much as it has over the past day, it should be safe tomorrow. And it will give you a little longer to see how it would be to remain with me—us.” The warmth in his eyes threatened to take her breath away, but he kept his voice quiet. “But I will accept whatever you decide.”

She thought about it for a moment, then nodded. There was no reason for them to hurry back to town, and as long as she was contributing she didn’t feel as if she were taking charity. Besides, she also wanted to see how Dora reacted, given her hesitation about Naffon. If the thought of repeating the previous evening occurred to her, she refused to admit that it might also have influenced her decision.

“You’re right. We might as well give it another day,” she agreed a little breathlessly, and he flashed her a brilliant smile before urging his horse back down the road.

“You mentioned yesterday that you would like to see Mary,” he said as they emerged from under the trees. “Her farm is only a short distance in that direction.”