Page 19 of Temel

Kalpar sighed. “It appears introductions are in order. I am Kalpar and this disreputable male is Naffon.”

Naffon grinned even as he started to object, but she interrupted him.

“I’m Ida Carmichael. This is my son, Tommy, and my daughter, Dora, and?—”

“And my sister, Angel,” Dora said quickly.

So her daughter intended to continue the pretense? Although she didn’t believe that the three males would care about the baby’s parentage, perhaps it was just as well considering they did visit Wainwright occasionally. Which also meant that Temel would have a reason to pass by the little house at the crossroads. The thought distracted her as Naffon approached the table, flinging himself carelessly into the seat across from Dora, brightblue eyes flicking from her to Angel. Dora looked everywhere except at him.

“Your pot is about to boil over,” Kalpar pointed out and with a muttered exclamation, she returned to her cooking.

The dinner was a success, at least as far as the food was concerned. They ate everything she’d cooked and even Kalpar approved. The conversation was less successful. Naffon tried several times to talk to Dora and she completely ignored him. The situation wasn’t helped by the fact that Kalpar decided to engage her in conversation instead, making Naffon’s eyes snap dangerously.

Temel sat next to her and praised her cooking, but he was also watching the byplay between Kalpar and Naffon. When Naffon’s claws—claws?!—suddenly popped out, he rose to his feet.

“That’s enough,” he barked. “Naffon, stop acting like a spoiled child. Kalpar, stop provoking him. If the two of you can’t behave, you can go sleep in the barn.”

“But it’s time for dessert.”

Tommy’s shocked protest broke the tension. Naffon’s claws retracted as he gave her son a cheerful grin.

“We certainly can’t miss dessert.”

“Indeed, I’m curious to see what you have done with such simple ingredients,” Kalpar added.

Everyone but Dora enjoyed the apple crumble. Her daughter merely pushed her spoon around her plate and as soon as the others finished, she excused herself, taking Angel with her. Naffon’s eyes followed her, but he didn’t comment before turning to her with a charming smile.

“That was a wonderful meal. I don’t suppose you’d like to cook for us again?”

“I think I can manage breakfast before we leave. If you don’t mind?” she added, glancing over at Kalpar.

“Not at all. In fact…” He stopped and gave Temel an inquiring look. “Did you get as far as the crossroads?”

“No. As I said, the road was flooded. If the water goes down, we’ll go by there tomorrow. Why?”

“I was just wondering how well that shack handled the storm.”

Her heart skipped a beat as she remembered the broken windows and leaning porch.

“I’m sure it will be fine,” she said quickly.It has to be.

“But if it is not, it occurs to me that we might have an alternative.” Kalpar raised an eyebrow at Temel.

“I already told Ida that she and her family are welcome to stay.”

“We don’t need your charity,” she snapped, then bit her lip when Tommy gave her a startled look. “I’m sorry. I know you didn’t mean it that way. It’s a very generous offer, but I can’t take it.”

“I had no intention of offering you charity,” Kalpar said coolly. “I was going to suggest that we hire you. To cook, and keep the house clean.”

“Ida is not a servant,” Temel protested immediately, but she pursed her lips thoughtfully.

The idea of working as a housekeeper didn’t bother her. She really did enjoy cooking, and although she didn’t exactly lovecleaning, she did enjoy the results and it would be nice to be paid for it for a change.

“I wanna stay here, Mama.”

Tommy gave her his most beseeching look as Naffon grinned approvingly.Naffon. Somehow she suspected Dora would not be as enthusiastic about remaining.

“I’m not sure we could stay here,” she said slowly. “But perhaps I could come daily instead. And bring Tommy,” she added when he tugged on her skirt.