Page 18 of Temel

The last words were undoubtedly a command and Kalpar immediately obeyed before turning his glare on Temel.

“You were supposed to return them to town.”

“And no doubt I would have done so if the road hadn’t been flooded and their carriage overturned, and they hadn’t been forced to spend the night in the rocks.”

“And I fell in the water.”

Obviously emboldened by Temel’s presence, Tommy marched over to her side, scowling at the new alien. Kalpar’s face finally lightened as he looked down at her son.

“Did you indeed? That must have been quite an adventure.”

Tommy tilted his head, obviously not having considered it that way before, then grinned. Temel also came to her side as Kalpar shook his head at him.

“I should have known better than to send you, matma. I suppose this was inevitable.”

Matma? She gave Temel a puzzled look, but he was still focused on Kalpar.

“You should apologize, and thank Ida for her hard work.”

“That’s not necessary,” she said quickly. “I’d probably react the same way if I walked into my house and found a strange man in my kitchen. I just wanted to express my gratitude.”

Temel frowned at her. “I told you that wasn’t necessary.”

“She probably can’t cook anyway,” Kalpar said, giving her a sardonic look.

Instead of responding, Temel looked around until he found the cookies she’d placed on a shelf out of Tommy’s reach and grabbed one, thrusting it at Kalpar.

“Try it.”

Kalpar gave it a suspicious look but took a small bite, then another, frowning thoughtfully.

“Too sweet for my taste, but the flavors are well balanced.”

She rolled her eyes, but the compliment pleased her. Kalpar moved over to the stove, lifting the pot lids.

“And for the evening meal?”

“Roast chicken and potatoes, green beans with onions and tomatoes, and creamed corn.”

Kalpar sniffed the contents of each pot without commenting, but he inclined his head slightly before moving away and she decided to take it as approval.

“And apple crumble,” Tommy added enthusiastically. “It’s my favorite.”

“You say that about every dessert, squirt,” Dora said.

“Do not.”

“Do too.”

“Now that sounds familiar. My brother used to—” Another alien strolled into the kitchen, as tall as the other two but with oddly textured golden skin and a wild mane of gold hair. His deep, lazy drawl came to an abrupt halt as he saw Dora. “You.”

He knew Dora? Her daughter’s face turned pale but she lifted her chin and glared at the newcomer.

“You. I was hoping I’d never see you again.”

Again? Before she could ask any questions, the newcomer swept Dora a mocking bow.

“Nice to see you too, princess.”