Page 41 of Borgaz

She shuddered, unable to stop shivering and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. He flinched as thunder boomed again, but his grip on her never loosened. Her body finally stopped shaking and she managed to raise her head and smile up at him.

“I’ve never been so glad to see anyone in my life.”

His face was unusually pale and drawn, but he returned her smile.

“You should have remained in the house, but somehow I didn’t think you would.”

“I had to make sure the animals were safe.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help.”

“You were here when it counted,” she said softly. “I told you I could manage on my own - and I could - but Rosie was right, it’s better to share it with someone.”

Amber eyes glowed at her.

“Even a bossy, damaged warrior?”

Her throat threatened to close, but she nodded firmly.

“Especially a bossy, damaged warrior.”

A cold drop of rain dripped down her neck. She shivered again and he frowned.

“Go and get out of those wet clothes,” he ordered. “I’ll build a fire.”

“Definitely bossy,” she teased, and he shook his head, then turned her towards the bedroom and sent her on her way with a quick smack on her ass.

This time her shiver was not due to cold, but he was right - she needed to dry off. By the time she’d wrapped herself in a warm robe and toweled her hair as dry as possible, the fire was roaring. He’d removed his wet shirt and replaced his soaked jeans with a pair of loose sleeping pants.

By unspoken agreement, they sat on the rug in front of the fire, staring into the crackling flames as the storm raged outside. His arm was wrapped around her shoulders as she leaned againsthim, half asleep after the interrupted night and the fight against the weather.

“Did you mean it?” he asked finally, his voice low. “About sharing your life with me?”

She looked up at his face, infinitely strange and beloved in the flickering light, and smiled.

“Of course I did. I love you, Borgaz.”

He shuddered, tension leaching out of his muscles.

“And my night terrors truly do not disturb you?”

“They only disturb me because they cause you pain. I’m not frightened of them, nor of you.”

His eyes closed as he muttered a brief, thankful prayer.

“I love you too, my fojii, and I wish to claim you as my mate. Do you accept my claim?”

Instead of answering him in words, she brushed her hair away from her neck, exposing the spot he spent so much time kissing. His eyes glowed, but instead of biting her immediately, he only stroked a finger over the rapidly throbbing pulse.

“I must prepare you first.”

“Prepare me?” The words sounded rather ominous, and her heart skipped a beat. “What does that mean?”

“You’ll see.” He suddenly grinned, looking lighter than she’d ever seen him. “Don’t worry, fojii, you’ll enjoy it.”

Since preparing her consisted of removing her clothes and kissing every inch of her body, he was right, she did enjoy it. Somuch so that she was tugging impatiently on his horns before he groaned and pulled back long enough to strip off his pants. His body gleamed in the firelight and her mouth went dry. His cock looked even bigger than usual, a gleaming drop of precum beading on the tip. She couldn’t resist reaching for it, swiping her thumb across the tip before sliding her hand down the thick shaft. He hissed a breath, then caught her hand and drew it gently away, kissing her palm.

“This is usually done from behind, but I wish to see your face.”