Page 40 of Borgaz

“I don’t remember that.”

“I didn’t think you did. But that was right after we retrieved you from the prison camp and you were still half-starved and ill.”

“Did I hurt the nurse?” he asked, dread threatening to close his throat.

“No. You undoubtedly scared him, but you didn’t damage him at all. And that was when you were most vulnerable. Have you ever hurt anyone?”

He thought back to those earlier times, then shook his head. Scared, yes, but never injured.

“Then why do you think you’d hurt your mate?”

Rationally, the words made sense, but emotionally, he was still afraid.

“I don’t even want to scare her.”

“Was she scared?”

Was she? She certainly hadn’t shown any signs of fear, he remembered, even tracking him down and refusing to leave. His lips curved in a reluctant smile.

“I’m not sure she’s afraid of anything.”

“Then concentrate on that. I brought all of you here so you have a new start and I think you can, with her. If she is willing toaccept you as you are, why not take that gift instead of making both of you unhappy?”

His friend’s words were an uncomfortable reminder of her question the previous night - why should he decide for her?

“Perhaps you are right. If she’s truly willing to accept me…”

His lips curved again as he imagined a future with his little fojii.

“Then I suggest you go and ask her,” Temel said firmly.

He nodded and started to turn away, then looked back.

“And what about you? You said you brought us here to make a new start, but you didn’t say anything about a new start yourself.”

Temel shrugged, but not before Borgaz saw a flash of sorrow cross his face.

“I have no need for it. As long as my warriors are happy, I will be content.”

“Maybe you need a little happiness yourself,” he suggested, but Temel only shrugged again and he decided not to pursue it.

Instead he saluted and went to retrieve Arros. He headed home much more quickly than he’d left but he was only half way there when thunder boomed overhead like the cannons from the battlefield, and the sky darkened. He flinched, fighting to avoid being thrown back into the past. He considered taking shelter and waiting it out, but dark clouds were already boiling over the horizon, rapidly approaching their farm.

Fuck. He couldn’t leave Mary to face that alone. He urged Arros into a gallop as the thunder echoed across the valley again. Shadowy images of war and destruction danced in front of hiseyes, but his mate was more important than his past. The rain struck, pouring down like bullets, but he kept going, determined to make it home.


Even though Mary had urged Borgaz to go, she still found herself staring out the window as she sewed and listening for the sound of hoofbeats. She knew he was still troubled, but at least now she understood why. And maybe I can help him. As long as he didn’t give up, neither would she.

The morning turned unusually quiet, the air thick with humidity, and she shivered, suddenly uneasy. Putting aside her sewing, she paced to the back porch and looked outside. The air had an odd yellowish tinge and her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the signs of an upcoming storm. They didn’t happen often but they tended to hit hard and fast and she could already see darkness on the horizon.

Fuck. She cast a worried glance in the direction Borgaz had ridden, then set to work. Herding the chickens into their nesting boxes and locking them down took longer than she had hoped and the first drops of rain hit as she ran for the field where her cow and calf were grazing. Fortunately they were already at the barn door and she was able to get them inside before the real rain hit.

By the time she stepped back outside, it was coming down in sheets, plastering her hair to her head and making it difficult to see. A faint banging sounded over the wind and she realized the greenhouse door was open. Determined not to waste their hard work, she fought the winds over to the door and somewhat managed to get it closed and fastened.

The house was just ahead, but the lightning struck a nearby tree just as she started to run towards it. The deafening crack split the air, the shock sending her flying forward into the mud. Her vision dimmed as she struggled to draw breath, but she finally managed to raise her head, blinking at the ruined tree through the heavy curtain of rain. The ankle she’d injured before was throbbing again, but it supported her weight as she lurched to her feet, and headed for the house again.

The wind had changed direction, trying to force her off her feet as she struggled through the mud towards the house, and then Borgaz was there, his big body bent against the wind as he reached her and pulled her into the safety of his arms. Together they fought their way back to the house. The wind threatened to tear the door from his hands, but he finally managed to wrestle it closed and the noise of the storm abated enough for her to hear herself think.