Page 37 of Borgaz

This was the first time she’d really studied him and she took her time, stroking the thick shaft. It wasn’t a single smooth column like that of a human male, but a wide undulating length. The tip was slightly pointed rather than rounded and she suspected that helped him penetrate her, opening her for the thickness that followed. She licked the tip experimentally and he groaned again, his hand tightening in her hair.

The feeling of being restrained made her nipples stiffen and she moved closer, rubbing them against his legs as she took more of him into her mouth. His salty, spicy taste washed over her tongue and it was her turn to moan, sucking eagerly. He was simply too big for her to take more than the first few inches, but she did her best, using her hands to meet her mouth as he guided her strokes.

More hot, delicious liquid filled her mouth and she reached down to cup the heavy weight of his balls. He gave a choked cry and then he was thrusting harder, faster into her mouth as she did her best to take more of him. His balls tightened and he gasped a warning but she only tightened her grip and sucked harder until he exploded in her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, but there was so much that some trickled down across her breasts before he finally shuddered to a halt.

With a last gentle lick, she pulled back and smiled up at him. His finger traced the path of his seed down across her breasts and then his expression turned feral. Two seconds later she was bentover the shower bench as he thrust into her from behind, hard and perfect and hers.

Dinner was cold after all, but neither one of them cared. He pulled her onto his lap and fed her bites of food as she snuggled against him.

“I will try,” he announced as they finished eating.

“Try what?” she mumbled. Sated from food and sex, she was already half asleep.

“To remain with you.”

That brought her head up, searching his face anxiously.

“Are you sure?”

“Sure that I want to try? Yes. Sure that I will succeed? No.”

“Thank you for trying,” she said quietly.

He nodded and sent her off to bed while he cleaned up the kitchen. No longer sleepy, she was still awake when he joined her a short time later.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” she whispered as he tucked her against his side.

“I want to, very much. I just… I hope.”

She nodded and stroked his chest, carefully avoiding his scars. Both of them were tense and it seemed to take a long time before she fell asleep, but she must have done so because she was awakened by a harsh cry. She raised her head and saw his face was contorted, grimacing as if in pain. Whimpers escaped his lips as he tossed his head back and forth on the pillow, gripping the sheets so tightly that they threatened to tear.

She touched his arm gently, keeping her voice soft and soothing.

“Borgaz, you’re having a nightmare… wake up.”

He didn’t respond. His body tensed even more, and he began to bark incomprehensible words in a language she didn’t recognize. But even though she didn’t understand the words, the urgency and desperation were clear.

She tried giving him a gentle shake, speaking a little louder but using the same reassuring tone.

“Borgaz! You’re here with me, you’re safe.”

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open, but she could tell he didn’t see her, just some unknown danger. His breathing was ragged, and sweat beaded on his forehead, before he snarled and pounced on top of her. His fangs appeared, his face etched in lines of pain and fear. She made no attempt to escape his grip, still talking to him in a low soothing voice.

“You’re with me, you’re safe.”

Her words finally seemed to get through to him, and his grip gradually eased as his eyes cleared, but then he realized he was pinning her to the mattress and jerked away as if scalded, scrambling to the far side of the bed.

She didn’t try to follow, giving him his space as she spoke calmly.

“You were dreaming. I think about the war. You’re with me now, you’re safe. Whatever happened, it’s over now.”

“Can’t you see? It’s never over. I knew this was a mistake.”

His voice was a tortured cry, and then he was gone, fleeing the room as she stared after him. So this was why he didn’t want to share her bed. She hesitated, trying to decide if she should lethim have time to think, then shook her head decisively. To hell with that.

She pulled on her nightgown and robe and padded silently through the house and out towards the barn. If was still there, if he cared enough to remain and watch over her, she thought there was still hope. If he had also fled the barn… Well, she’d face that if it had happened.

Her heart pounded as she slipped through the now silent doors, then sighed with relief. He was still there, crouched against the far wall, his face drawn.