With that goal in mind he set to work. Once the chicken shelter was repaired, he moved on to the barn, making sure the doors were working smoothly and easily, before refastening some loose boards. He was hammering the last in place when she came to find him.
He had removed his shirt due to the warmth of the day and heat of his efforts, and he didn’t miss the way her eyes trailedappreciatively across his chest. Not that the approving look stopped her from crossing her arms and frowning at him.
“What are you doing?”
“Repairing the loose boards.”
“I can see that. I mean why are you doing it? I told you I don’t need any help.”
He couldn’t help smiling at her enraged expression.
“I know, fojii. But this way your supplies will remain safe and dry.”
He straightened, allowing himself to stretch lazily. Her tongue touched her pretty lips as she watched him, and his shaft began to stiffen.No. I am here only to work.
“I have repaired the shelter for the chickens,” he said abruptly, turning away from the tempting sight. “However, I did not release them since I am not aware of what is required for their care.”
He heard her exasperated huff before she sighed and thanked him.
“All I need to do now is check the nesting boxes and out down a layer of straw.”
“I will get the bale of straw.”
He strode away before she could object, his tail lashing behind him.
“I planned to continue work on the porch,” he told her once the chickens were settled. He’d made careful note of the process in case he needed to attend to them in future - not that he plannedto be around for much longer. “Unless there is something else you wish me to do?”
“I don’t wish you to do anything,” she muttered.
He waited silently until she sighed.
“I’m going to start plowing the nearest field. The ground is workable, and I want to get the grain planted as soon as possible. Then I’ll work on the garden. The house is good enough for now.”
He didn’t consider it suitable, but he didn’t argue.
“What equipment do you have? I do not recall seeing a plow in the tool shed.”
“It’s in the other barn.”
He followed her to the smaller building, then stared in appalled horror at the small tilling machine she showed him.
“You intend to plow the entire field using this?”
The defiant glare was back. “I most certainly do. I know it’s going to take a while - that’s why I want to get started.”
“This is how your family farmed the land?”
“Well, no. There’s a larger plow and my father had a team of oxen to pull it, but the one thing Matthew did take was all the livestock. But I’ve used this for the garden so I know it will work.”
“Show me the plow,” he ordered.
“Why? You don’t have a team of oxen up your sleeve.”
He took a step closer and her lips parted, the tempting pulse on her neck fluttering.
“Why do you always argue with me?” he growled, unable to resist sliding his hand down that thick, silky rope of hair.
“Why do you have to be so bossy?”