Page 19 of Borgaz

“I didn’t ask you to kiss me, dammit.”

“You did not stop -” He broke off and rubbed a hand over his face. “No, it is not your fault. I am the one who lacks discipline.”


Gathering her wounded pride around her like a cloak, she hopped down from the counter.

“It was just a kiss,” she said as lightly as possible. “No need to overreact.”


The familiar frown began to descend but before he could say anything, she caught the clop of horse and wagon. Saved by the delivery cart.

“That sounds like Mr. Anderson. I don’t suppose you’re just going to let me deal with him on my own?”

She couldn’t imagine Mr. Anderson not mentioning the presence of a huge, glowering red alien on her farm, and she winced at the thought of the resulting gossip.

Borgaz’s frown deepened, but to her surprise, he nodded.

“I will keep watch.”

He left through the kitchen door just as Mr. Anderson knocked on the front door.

“Good morning,” she called out as she hurried to open the door, but instead of the shopkeeper, a gangly red-headed man stood there, giving her a bashful smile.

“Hiya, Mary. I don’t suppose you remember me?”

She took a second look, then smiled as she recognized him. Ferdie had been her first boyfriend, a very long time ago it seemed now. He was taller, and very slightly broader, but the hair and the smile were unmistakable.

“Ferdie? Is that really you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” His grin widened. “I work for Mr. Anderson now.”

“So you decided not to leave Wainwright after all?”

Ferdie had been full of big plans when she’d known him, most of them improbable, but they’d both liked to speculate on life outside of the town.

“Nah. I’m married now. Since Nelly got married and moved to the ranch with Commander Artek, Mr. Anderson is going to make me a partner in a few more years.”

His casual mention of the alien Nelly had married made her wonder if he would have been as horrified as she had assumed by Borgaz’s present. Still, she was just as glad he was out of sight as she smiled at Ferdie.

“Congratulations - on both counts. Do I know your wife?”

“Her name is Agnes. She used to be married to Sam Perdy but he up and disappeared one spring. I adopted her children and we have another child on the way.”

She had a vague recollection of Agnes, a plain woman with a sweet smile who was several years older than the two of them, but Ferdie looked proud and happy.

“I’m very happy for you both. Once I get this place licked into shape, you’ll have to bring her for a visit.”

He looked around at the peeling paint and the crooked porch post. He didn’t say anything but his doubts were easy to read, and she laughed.

“I know. It may be a long while before I’m ready to receive visitors, but I’d love to talk to you again.”

A low grumble sounded from the side of the house and Ferdie frowned.

“Did you hear that?”

She assumed an innocent expression, hoping Borgaz would keep his word.