Page 10 of Borgaz

“You can’t just pick me up and put me where you want me!”

Heat glowed in his amber eyes for a moment before he shrugged, his chest rippling deliciously against her back.

“Why not? It was the most expedient way of dealing with the situation.”

The wicked grin she’d seen once before flashed across his face, startlingly attractive on that normally grim countenance. His arms tightened briefly in what could have been a hug. She had a feeling he’d enjoyed placing her where he wanted her, and she swallowed. Hard.

“Relax, little fojii. It is just a ride.”

His breath brushed against the sensitive skin on the side of her neck, making her nipples tighten again. Her entire body seemed to flush as he chuckled roughly and set the horse in motion.


Iam undoubtedly a fool,Borgaz decided as the horse moved easily along the rough track leading away from Mary’s farm. With each step, the soft curve of her ass rubbed tantalizingly against his aching cock. How long had it been since he’d had any interest in a female? Not since those first painful, confused days after the war had ended when he’d realized that the end of the fighting hadn’t meant the end of his nightmares. He’d been desperately seeking any respite from the horrors in his dreams and he had tried seeking solace with various females.

None had helped and after the third time he woke to find one cowering across the room from him, frightened by his night terrors, he had stopped trying. If those worldly females, used to rough ports and rough males, couldn’t handle the scars the war had left, there was little hope that a delicate little human could do so.

She wiggled again, trying to separate their bodies, but the motion of the horse rocked her back against him in an exquisitely torturous caress. In order to distract himself, he pointed to the field next to them with the broken fence.

“What did you keep here?”

“My parents raised cattle - or at least they did until they started mysteriously getting ill or going missing.” Her small frame tensed as she looked over at the empty field. “And of course, that’s when Matthew stepped up the pressure to take his offer.”

“Why did he want your land?”

“Who knows? He didn’t do anything with it so I suspect it was more about making himself appear more important than actually increasing his wealth.”

“Your parents did not wish to stay and fight?”

“Maybe they would have if it hadn’t been for me. They thought I would have more opportunities in Port Cantor.” She shrugged. “Maybe they were right. I missed the farm so much but I liked my classes. But then they died and there was no money to continue my education and… Things didn’t go well.”

He allowed his arms to tighten briefly, offering comfort, and she relaxed a little.

“My parents died when I was young,” he found himself saying. “I went to live with relatives in the city. It also did not go well.”

His aunt and uncle had taken him in from obligation rather than desire and they’d never let him forget it. Was it any wonder he’d turned to a gang of fellow misfits? They’d engaged in little more than petty mischief at first but that had been changing, their exploits growing steadily more dangerous.

When he’d been caught executing one of their schemes, he’d been sentenced to military service instead of jail and discovered a more satisfying way of life - not only an outlet for his restless energy, but one that included the camaraderie of his former gangwith a more useful purpose. Or at least so he had thought, until he was caught up in an endless, meaningless war…

He was so caught up in his memories that it took him a moment to realize she was patting his arm sympathetically.

“I’m sorry. It’s hard when everything changes, isn’t it?”

“I…” He was still staring at those small soft fingers on his arm when he came to his senses.

“I adapted,” he said gruffly. “What are your plans?”

She gave him a quick, startled look over her shoulder at the abrupt change of subject, and he almost apologized, but then she shrugged.

“I’m not sure yet. My goal for this first year is mainly to become as self-sufficient as possible. Mr. Armstrong is bringing me a cow and calf, a dozen chickens, and supplies for a large garden. If I can manage it, I’ll also plant a field of grain and one of corn. That will allow me to provide for myself and give me time to find out what would be profitable on a long term basis.”

It was a sensible plan, but…

“It is too much work for you.”

She had relaxed against him, but immediately stiffened at his statement.

“No it’s not. I can manage.”