“What are you doing in here? Why didn’t you wait until I could help you?”
“Because I’m perfectly capable of walking,” she said calmly, and mostly truthfully. “But you’re welcome to help me bathe if that makes you feel better.”
His eyes dropped to her wet breasts and her already erect nipples and he swallowed hard. His erection tented his pants, but he shook his head.
“Not unless you need my help.”
“Don’t you want to make sure I’m really clean?”
She cupped her breast, offering it to him, but although the amber light glowed in his eyes, he shook his head, muttered something unintelligible, and backed out of the bathroom as quickly as he entered it. She sighed, but she really hadn’t expected him to succumb that quickly. She was still convinced he wanted her as much as she wanted him and it was simply a matter of time.
Three dayslater she was considerably less sanguine about the prospect. Their routine hadn’t changed - except for the admittedly delightful fact that he went to bed with her each night, discovering ever more pleasurable ways of satisfying her. But he never remained after she fell asleep and he still hadn’t let her touch him despite his obvious desire.
She was scowling at his distant figure as he planted grain when she was distracted by the sound of an approaching horseand wagon. Since she hadn’t ordered anything else she tensed, but knowing Borgaz was nearby gave her the confidence to wait calmly until the wagon was close enough to recognize the occupants. Rosie and Harkan.
She smiled and went to greet them as Harkan carefully lifted Rosie down from the wagon.
“Rosalie wished to see you, but she tires easily. Don’t let her exert herself,” he ordered, and Rosie rolled her eyes.
“I’m just fine. Now go talk to Borgaz while I talk to Mary.”
“I would rather stay with you.”
“And I would rather talk to Mary alone. Now shoo.”
Mary couldn’t help smiling as he gave a disgruntled nod and walked towards the field, remembering shooing Borgaz along the same way, but then she gave her friend a curious look.
“Is something wrong?” she asked.
“That’s what I came to ask you. I know Borgaz is staying here, even though you said you weren’t interested, so I thought I’d check up on you.” Rosie studied her face as she blushed. “I take it you want him here?”
“Of course, I do. He wouldn’t stay if I didn’t. Well, he might,” she added as she led the way back into the house. “If he thought I needed help. But he’s not forcing himself on me or anything like that.”
“Do you want him too?” Rosie’s eyes twinkled, clearly picking up on her disgruntled tone.
“It’s complicated.”
“It always is.” Her friend sighed with relief as she collapsed into a kitchen chair. “I swear this baby is going to weigh at least fifteen pounds. He gets heavier every day.”
Her eyes widened. “Really?”
“No, not really. Drakkar - he’s one of the original aliens at the ranch and my doctor - assures me that he is of perfectly normal human size even if his daddy is a giant. He said it’s some kind of adaptation to mixing out species.”
“You didn’t have any problems getting pregnant?”
Rosie laughed. “Nope. I said I wanted a baby and Harkan immediately obliged. I think I was pregnant the next day.”
She couldn’t help a wistful sigh. At least someone was getting some.
“Now what was that about?” her friend demanded. “You were the one who had to convince me that sex was fun. Although it really wasn’t until I met Harkan. Did you change your mind in the city?”
“My experiences weren’t that positive,” she admitted. “But in this case, he’s the reluctant one.”
“Borgaz? Really? I saw the way he looked at you that night - like he could devour you.”
“Oh, he’ll do that all right - all night long if I let him. He just won’t do anything else.”