“I’ll see what I can arrange, sir.”
Tranis hurried out before he did something he’d regret and put his mission, and thus the empire, in jeopardy.
* * * *
Earth II
Phased, Kuran followed Bryant into Speaker Cal Mitchell’s office in the General Assembly building, which faced Government House from across a five-acre garden.
Bryant knew the Nobek watched, but he thought he did so via a nanospy. Kuran believed the lieutenant governor was truthful about his goals to keep the radical element from gaining control over Earth II’s leadership, but he didn’t trust him enough to share the spy division’s phasing ability. Bryant had been convinced their confrontation had come about because Kuran had been hiding in his office behind the drapes and waiting for an opportune moment to surprise him.
“Ken!” Mitchell rose from his fancy, gargantuan desk. Stacy and Bryant’s offices contained fine but tasteful furnishings. The head speaker had opted for ostentatious pieces. Kuran was certain many had been hand-carved to order by Joshadans. He wondered if Mitchell had charged Earth’s government accounts for them. He’d have to ask Rihep…it would be excellent ammo for whomever chose to run against Mitchell in the election.
If he isn’t rotting in prison for what happened to Etnil. Or rotting in an unmarked grave if I figure out a way to get past Bryant’s conditions.
Mitchell and Bryant shook hands. They grinned like the best of friends. Kuran grudgingly admired Bryant’s ability to play the part he’d given himself.
If he was playing.
“I just came from speaking to the governor,” Bryant said as he took the seat in front of Mitchell’s desk.
“At the hospital?” Mitchell smirked as he perched on the corner of the desk. Kuran ached to put his fist through the middle of his face.
“In her office, believe it or not. Except for a few hours yesterday, she’s maintained regular hours throughout, despite her family’s visit and the incident. If nothing else, she’s dedicated.”
Mitchell snorted, a petulant expression crossing his face. “You’d think she’d get the message.”
“I wonder who’s behind the latest explosive? This was none of my doing.”
“Obviously. You hired weekend warriors, not actual experts.”
Bryant’s brow lifted, but there was no accusation in his regard. He appeared merely interested. “You know who brought them in?”
“You’re looking at him.”
Kuran’s fists clenched. Mitchell admitted he’d orchestrated the attack that had maimed Etnil. The need to tear out the bastard’s throat made it hard for him to breathe.
He’d agreed to work with Bryant, however, to expose the perpetrators and keep Stacy safe from their ilk. Stacy had made him promise as well, when he and Bryant had brought her up to speed on the lieutenant governor’s activities.
Kuran blinked a rage-red mist from his vision as Mitchell kept talking. “I’m done playing with these Kalqs who take far too much interest in our planet and the women who take too much interest in them. Nichols isn’t the only female diverted by godless lust. I’ve received word Blythe Nelson is also spending time in the company of a clan on the station.”
“She must have been chasing a story.”
“They had dinner together. She left immediately after, but she looked quite cozy in their company. You’re aware of her history.”
“Desperation drove many women to Dantovon’s brothels.”
“If you ask me, she enjoyed slutting around with aliens. We executed her kind for far less sin in the old days.”
Kuran drew a deep breath. He had cause to toss thegurlukin jail, but Stacy had been adamant about how she wanted the operation to go down if Mitchell admitted to his crime. “We’re playing a long game to keep Earth safe,” she’d insisted.
Still, it was hard to remain phased and quiet when every instinct in him shouted to shred his enemy to pieces.
“It was smart to attack the Kalquorian instead of the women.” Bryant smoothly moved the conversation to where it was needed. “I doubt there’ll be a substantial outcry over an alien coming to harm.”
“It’s a start. I won’t say your attempts weren’t worthwhile—”