Page 27 of Twisted Attraction

"It’s just that–" she starts to explain, but I’m not hearing it.

"Miss Stevens, you have a lot of documents heaped on your desk at the moment. You don’t have time to be chitchatting with me. And next time, before you come into my office, wait for me to send for you first. Never come to my office without me calling you," I explain as distantly as I can.

When I glance up at the window, I can see her reflection behind me. She stares at me dumbfounded.

"Mr. Aaron, I’ve done everything I can to be a good assistant. Why do you still get so much pleasure from disrespecting me? I thought we were passed that."

"I don’t know what you mean," I answer in a hollow, bored voice, still flipping through the oversized pages as if I can’t be bothered with her complaints. While obviously having no focus at all on what it is that I am reading.

"You talk down to me like I'm stupid or worthless. I thought you agreed to stop the insults, but these past few days, you’ve been undeniably rude to me. I’m sure I haven’t done anything to deserve it."

"We agreed we’d keep this professional. Well, this is how professionals handle their responsibilities. So please move on, and go finish the files." I go back to ignoring her though I can feel the weight of her glare on the back of my shoulders. Not quite comfortable…

"You know that it’s impossible to finish those files today. It's almost the end of the day and that will take me hours. You know that!"

I smirk as I turn to stare her down. To her credit, Chloe doesn’t even flinch.

"No, I don't know that. From where I stand, it looks like everyone in this company is putting in the hard work when it’s needed. So I’m ever so sorry that the work that pays your salary is going to interfere with whatever sexy plans you had this evening, but that’s just how it is."

Chloe’s face flushes red with anger and her breathing turns shallow. She takes a menacing step closer, crossing her arms in front of her chest defiantly.

"You are an asshole,Jeremy."

Something in me snaps. I didn't see that coming.

"What did you say to me? " I ask, my shock turning to anger.

She snorts derisively and rolls her eyes. I can feel the heat of anger rising up my neck at her rudeness, but for some reason, all I want to do is kiss her. The thought of throwing my arms around her and crushing her to me, of claiming her mouth and then taking more, is overwhelming.

Not a good idea,I remind myself, barely keeping it together. My voice of reason may be thinking logically, but another part of me tells me to go for it.

She props a hand on her hip and looks at me with utter scorn. "Judging from your nasty, childish attitude, I’d say you’re not boss material. You’re nothing but a sadistic jackass."

"How dare you–" I begin as I turn and plant myself in front of her, but it’s her turn to cut me off.

"Do you think I don't see the way you look at me? All the stares and stolen glances when you think I'm not looking? The wall between our offices is glass! You still want me, don't you? And you can't stand the fact that you can't have me."

"Who says that I want you?" I place my hand on the table, watching her with an attempt at a bored expression. I lean towards her slightly, causing her to have to lean away from me.

"Well, for starters," she says, looking down at my pants with a smirk. "But news flash, you're never going to have me again.That ship has sailed, you made sure of that. Go ahead and be as hateful as you want. It won’t change anything. Only that maybe it’s time for me to look at another company where I’ll be respected and treated accordingly."

"You were a good screw, Chloe, but not that good. Certainly not good enough for me to throw everything away for."

An emotion that can only be described as hurt passes over her face, but it’s brief. Soon, her lips curve in a cruel leer. "Fine, let's say I believe you. Then why does it look like you have a problem seeing me with someone else?"

Because I hate it. That’s why. But I can’t tell her.

My heart is pounding in my chest.Run Jeremy, don't do it!But that voice of reason is so small, buried beneath the stronger desire I have for her. Instead of answering, I look down at her full lips. They’re so inviting, begging me to come closer. I hesitate, knowing that she’s off-limits. I have no right to touch her, to even look at her with such lust burning through me. As my sense of control is about to take over, Chloe gasps softly and moves closer. It’s only a fraction of an inch, but it’s enough.

She wants me. Despite my behavior, despite what we agreed to, she still wants me. We’re back to square one.

Without a word, I claim her lips in a nerve-wracking kiss. All reasonable thoughts vanish, leaving only a delicious sensation rippling through me. I feast on her like a starved man, starved of touch. My hands go around her waist, pulling her to me and crushing her to my chest. My hands dig into her shirt, pulling it from her waistband so I can feel the heat of her skin. She moans and presses her body against my hard demanding length. I deepen the kiss as I slide my hands around to her front.

I stop kissing her long enough to catch my breath. We’re both panting by now. I can feel an electric current passing through us as we make eye contact for the first time since this strangeencounter began. The world seems to fade away, leaving only her captivating face in my field of vision.

My breath comes out in ragged gasps. I can feel the warmth of her breath on my lips, her sweet scent enveloping me, driving me wild with longing. I can tell that she feels it too. Her eyes are bright but hooded with longing, reflecting the same desire that courses through my veins.

My mind is foggy with desire but my body is on high alert. A list forms in my thoughts of the things I want to do to her. Her aura surrounds me, intoxicating my senses as I fight to maintain my composure. My body hums with desire.