Page 9 of Twisted Attraction

Damien is beginning to get on my nerves and I hate that I let him. Love isn’t even an option for me and he knows it. But I’m sure I couldn’t even pay him to shut up right now and stop talking nonsense.

"Who knows, this might be your first." He shrugs. "Would it be the end of the world?"

"Not happening. I told you, it was..."

"Go on, I'm listening." He arches an eyebrow as if he’s challenging me when I can’t think of a way to finish my sentence.

"Screw you!" I reply instead. Damien laughs again, holding his ribs as though he’s physically hurting from my complete downfall.

"Has the bank called?" I ask, changing the subject in hopes that Damien will let this slide. My question only intensifies his laughter.

"Nice try but no thanks. I’m having way too much fun with this. So be honest… what's your reason for looking for the girl?"

"To make sure she’s okay, that’s all. It’s the least I can do considering the way I handled her."

That's not exactly a lie–I should check on her after the raw sex we had–but it’s also not entirely true either. Yes, I'm curious about her well-being, but I also want to see her again. Be with her again. I can't stop thinking about her. I’m even having dreams about her that only a teenager would usually have. I’m not about to share that part with my oh-so-sensitive-and-understanding friend here. Damien chuckles.

"Uh-huh. And I have some swampland to sell you down in Florida”, he replies with a stupid grin.

I swear Damien doesn't act his age at times. I stand up and slap a few bills on the top of the bar, then slide them to the bartender. "That’s it. I'm done."

"The same way she’s done with you? But you’re the one who can't let go?" he teases, still trying to get under my skin.

"You’re a shameless little man, you know that?"

"Thank you," he says, standing up and making an overly dramatic bow.

"Why are we friends again?"

"I'm the only interesting thing in your life. Well, that and your mystery date."

"Get lost."



Someone once said, "Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans."

That’s true. This isn’t the way I planned my life, but then everything just happened. For starters, my dad wasn’t supposed to be six feet under before I graduated. I also didn’t plan on losing my virginity to a strange man in a one-night stand instead of on my wedding night.

I’ve spent plenty of time in the past two weeks poring over every detail from that night. There is no way I regret that decision for even a second. Everything about that night was perfect, the kind of stuff romance authors write about in those trashy beach reads Ella keeps around her apartment. Nope, there’s no room for regret wedged in among the memories of the hottest night of my life. I mean, I couldn’t have asked for a better first time. Too bad it was just a one-time thing, especially since it was just the way I wanted it.

Hmm, nope, it was better.

It was thrilling.


And downright satisfying.

It shouldn’t surprise me that I can’t stop thinking of that man, or get rid of the feeling of him on my body. Sometimes I swear I can still feel him touching me. I wake up practically every night from the hottest dream imaginable. I ache for him, at least until I can masturbate and get some weak version of relief. If this keeps up, I might need to see a psychiatrist.

"Still thinking about him?" Ella asks beside me. We’re riding in an Uber with all my worldly belongings wedged in the back and on the seat between us.

I told Ella about my one-night stand in detail and she didn’t even judge me. She even suggested I go back and find him when I told her that I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I refused, of course, reminding her that she’d convinced me to move to New York.

She’s always invited me to come stay with her in New York over our summer breaks, but that’s different than actually moving there. Until meeting my handsome stranger, I’ve always refused to think about it. But somehow, shedding the burden of my virginity was just the push I needed to make other big changes. So here I am, on my way to New York for good, away from my mom. Honestly, I know she won’t miss me, but now I’m starting to think I can live without her, too. I’ve lived practically my whole life without her caring about me. This won’t be any different.