Page 33 of Twisted Attraction

"Let me guess, you could tell me but you’d have to kill me?"

"Something like that." I smile, glad that he’s at least laughing. We finish our coffee and I walk him to his car.

"I hope you don’t think I’m trying to be sneaky here, or play this out any longer," he says, turning to face me. "But I do really like you and I hope we’re still gonna be friends after this."

"Absolutely! Nothing would make me happier," I say excitedly.

"Good," he says, looking relieved. "You know, it’s funny. I almost didn’t ask you out because I didn’t want to mess up our little group of friends. I hope that never changes."

"Me too," I agree, smiling.

"Great. But you know, if it ever gets to be too much–"

"Too much?" I ask, not sure where this is going. He makes a hilariously playful seductive face and runs his hands comically down the length of his torso.

"Too much to resist this sexiness."

I burst out laughing, and even Tyler can’t keep a straight face.

"I’m sure I’ll be fine," I promise him before realizing that sounds like he’s not attractive at all.

"Oh good. Because it’s hard enough having women throw themselves at me everywhere I go. I just couldn’t live with myself if I thought you were fighting your natural urges every time you saw me."

He laughs again and gives me a strong hug, that seems like maybe is lasting a little longer than it should.

"Okay, I’ll see you around. Are you still coming for the weekend getaway with everybody?"

"Heck yeah. I wouldn’t miss it. Besides, Ella would murder me if I didn't."

"Say hello to the lucky guy. Tell him he’s my sworn enemy now!" he calls as he gets in his car. I chuckle, but my smile disappears as I see icy eyes glaring at me from across the street. Jeremey rolls the window of his car back up and drives off.



Istrut onto the golf course for a game I have no business playing. I hate when I have to do this crap. I usually leave the corporate ass-kissing to Damien since he’s so good at it, but he insisted I come along with him today. Add to that my raging mood after seeing Chloe hugging that kid like there was no tomorrow, things aren’t looking very promising. I know that he’s just some guy to her, but it’s still unnerving that he’s around. I hate being away from her at this very moment, not knowing what’s going on in her head about that Tyler.

I’d rather spend my weekend with her instead of wasting time listening to some low-level politicians pat themselves on the back. But Damien insists we need their support. Now, I’m here entertaining a presidential candidate and a couple of Congressmen–it’s networking schemes, according to Damien.

"I thought I was gonna have to organize a search party for you," Damien says under his breath as I walk in, shooting daggers my way. A placating smirk tugs at the corner of my lips. I lean closer to answer.

"You should be glad I decided to grace this audience with my presence."

He rolls his eyes, apparently not finding me funny.

"Good thing we didn’t hold our breaths waiting or we’d have passed out already."

"Traffic. You know how it is. But I’m here now," I answer, trying to put an end to his complaining. "Just drop the sarcasm, will you? This kind of thing is your gig, not mine. You decided to drag me into it, so cut me some slack."

"The only thing that needs cutting is your big-dick ego," he mutters. I grin and wink at him.

The presidential candidate, William Clark, comes walking towards me wearing a ridiculous "meet the crowds" smile. I’m trying hard not to frown. God knows I don’t like the guy. I’m not thrilled about faking it either, but I have to.

"Jeremy Aaron, it’s nice to finally meet you in person." He stretches out his hand to shake mine. "Your friend has told me a lot about you. Well, it’s not like I haven’t already heard your name before."

He laughs in a practiced way. I raise my brow slightly, wondering what he might have heard about me, and from whom.

"Trust me, they are all good things. I can’t wait to win this thing and start working with you." I nod, but look over at Damien. What BS could he have possibly said about me to get this twat here?