Page 18 of Twisted Attraction

"Oh,just some boring corporate stuff. You’re crazy for even wanting to know. You know that, right?"

"I preferto think of myself as charming."

Our conversation unfolds with ease,and we talk about a lot of different things. He fills me in on what he and his friends have been up to over the week and all the activities they have planned together. Tyler is easygoing and very fun to talk to.

I walk backto my office grateful to him for the thirty-minute distraction. I can't help but smile at all the things he said. Ella was right, he’s a nice guy, a complete gentleman. He’s hot, too, and it would be so easy to fall in love with him. But somehow, something is missing. Heat. Magnetism. Just… something.

"Canyou do me a favor and get that stupid smile off your face right now?" Jeremy roars, startling me. I look up to find himstanding in the doorway to my office. I quickly glance at my wristwatch. He’s not supposed to be back until after two and it's barely 12:30 now.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Aaron,"I say, trying to keep calm. Instead of answering right away, he folds his arms and levels me with a glare.

"So you don’t haveany explanation?" he says through clenched teeth. I can see the muscles in his jaw working angrily.

"About what?"I look at him, confused.

"Areyou just bad at following instructions?"

"No, sir?"

"Are you sure about that?"

I nod,unsure of where this is going.

"Which slidedeck were you supposed to send me for my morning meeting?"

"The BSO file,which has to do with the new construction site."

"Mmm,impressive. So which one did you send me?" He says it so calmly, I can tell that he’s furious. I don't know what to say as I try to recall the file I sent to him. "I asked you a question, Chloe."

The wayhe says my name makes me shudder and choke on my breath. My body is shaking slightly.

"Gothrough the files that you sent to me and tell me if that's the BSO file I asked for." I click on the email folder with the system files I sent to him and gasp. I bite the inside of my cheek so hard, I’m surprised no blood explodes in my mouth. "Is that the file?"

I shake my head.

"You have a voice,use it. Answer my question."

"No, sir. I made a mistake."The last word gets stuck in my throat, no matter how much I try to swallow past it.

"Mistake?"Jeremy lets out a cold laugh as he walks towards me.

"I must have clickedon the wrong file because I was in a hurry to..."

"To go flirting with some kid?"His voice lowers as he rakes his gaze over my body. The way he’s staring at me should disgust me, but I know what this man is capable of. Despite the screams in my mind, it’s making my body tingle with need. There’s a familiar heat in his eyes as well, just like there was that night.

Or maybe it'smy imagination that’s messing with my mind, making me hope that he wants me.

I suckin a sharp breath as he comes closer again. Part of me wants to step back, but I can’t help to want to stay close to him.Girl, what the hell is wrong with you? Loving being the little victim or something? Come on, step back up!

"Did you sleep with him?"he asks, his voice dripping with anger.

The question is so unexpected that I blink a few times in surprise. I almost burst out laughing, actually. Where didthatcome from? Then it hits me: he might have seen me with Tyler, but how?

He’s jealous.I feel a faint pinprick of satisfaction. He can’t stand it that some other man was here, even if it was just a friend who took me to lunch. The thought that he could be jealous of Tyler makes tingles run down my spine. I look up at him defiantly, even though I'm stuck between him and the table behind me. He cups my chin, glaring.

Oh,hell no.

That's not glaring.I know that looks too damn well.