Page 51 of Forbidden Captor

I frowned. “How do you propose we do that?” It hadn’t been long when the mafia found us in Thailand. I sighed in exasperation.

Aaron pulledout a small envelope and held it up for Jack to see. “You owe me a favor, Jack, a big one. This was almost impossible.”

“What was?” I asked. Aaron handed me the envelope then went back to driving the boat and Jack motioned for me to open the envelope.

I opened it and was surprised to see my picture in several documents. There were passports of all sorts, birth certificates, and various other papers that gave me an entirely different name.

“This is incredible,” I said. “But they’ll still find us.”

“It’s true,” Aaron said, and Jack shrugged, staying silent. “But with me as your liaison, you’ll always be steps ahead of them.

Jack nodded, then slapped Aaron’s shoulder. “This is the best I could do. It’ll have to work or you go back to your father.”

“By the way,” I said. “I don’t very much appreciate you shooting at him.”

“Athim,” Aaron said in Jack’s defense, “athim.”

“It was the best way that I could keep him safe,” Jack said. “If I hadn’t shot at him, his guards wouldn’t have come to his aid.”

“A lot of them were drunk,” I said. It was the one saving grace of Jack’s plan that the guards at the wedding were too busy enjoying their free time.

“Not all of them,” Jack said. Half those bottles were switched out. They’ll thank me since they were able to keep themselves and your father alive.”

“You did all of that by yourself?” My man was the kind who could lift the world, and a sense of pride washed over me. Of course, I just had to have faith that things had happened as Jack said they would. We wouldn’t know until much later, and right now, the only thing that mattered was getting away from my father. “You really think we can dodge my father?” I asked Jack.

“We have people on our side,” Aaron said. Then he pulled out a small badge.

“CIA?” I read the letters and couldn’t believe it. Aaron didn’t seem like CIA material.

“I didn’t believe it either,” Jack said. “But you know when the government gets desperate?”

“And youweren’tdesperate for help?” Aaron asked Jack, who laughed. “I’m more of a foreign agent they can rely on. Basically, they just picked me because I lived in the right place.”

“And you know the right people and have the right skills,” Jack pointed out. “Those two things are crucial. I wouldn’t hire you to help us if you couldn’t do it.”

“And I wouldn’t accept the job if your credit with me wasn’t good,” Aaron said. We all laughed.

The sense of relief for being out of my father’s mansion, one that he bought for the Kings, was huge. I couldn’t imagine though that, even with all of the alcohol and fighting which we had escaped before it even happened, the Reeds and Kings wouldn’t get to work immediately to find us.

Jack must have read my mind. “We won’t know what happened for quite a while, but we need to move fast if we’re to get away. You won’t like our hideout spot for tonight, but it’s guaranteed to be impossible to find.”

I looked ahead of me and saw nothing but still waters. We had gone into an offshoot of the Chicago River, and it seemed like we were lost. Dense foliage and shallow water surrounded us. Aaron grounded the boat out of sight near a clearing and motioned for us to get out.

The swamp smell made me cringe, and Jack laughed. “I told you.”

We made our way towards what looked like debris from a multi-car crash. The ground was wet, but surprisingly firm.

“They’ll never find us here,” Jack said.

“We’re not staying here long, right?” I could already see myself going stir crazy here.

“It’s better once we’re inside,” Aaron assured me. “But no, I’ll get you guys moving when I know it’s safe.”

I walked towards what looked a trailer door, and realized I was about to be in a world that I couldn’t even imagine. We walked into a building hidden in the water, and Aaron turned on the lights as he led us down the stairwell.

“We’re still a ways away. I have cameras running twenty-four seven here, so even if they do find us, I’ll know before they do.” Aaron’s voice echoed off the thick concrete tunnel.

The tunnel wound its way around and eventually I began to notice the smell of grass.