Page 2 of Forbidden Captor

“Daddy’s rich,” I pleaded. “I’ll call him right now, he’ll pay up, I swear.” It was a lie, of course; I just wanted this strange man to let go of me.

Surprisingly, he released me. He cocked his head, staring into my eyes. I half expected him to say that I had the most beautiful eyes he’d seen, and, for a second, I thought he actually might.

Instead he replied, “Look little lady, you got about thirty seconds to pick up your phone and give him a call. Anything else, and this ain’t gonna be fun.”

The way he said that last word made me think that it was only going to be me who wouldn’t have a good time. He was eyeing me up and down, unapologetically.

I immediately snatched up my robe as the man kept undressing me with his eyes. A small part of me wanted him to really undr, but I wasn’t in one of my nighttime fantasies. No, I was in danger, and I had to think fast.

I was so flustered, I’d forgotten where I put my phone. It was a good thing too; as I was searching I spotted something else: a small paperweight that I could use as a makeshift weapon. I grabbed the mahogany paperweight, which was surprisingly light. My stomach sank as I realized that this was a bad idea. The man’s dark shadow loomed over me; he was standing now, and I knew this had to be the end of the road for me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. What had I done to deserve this fate?The man’s shadow got closer to me, and I had to do something. I clenched my teeth.Here goes nothing.

I swung the paperweight at him, aiming for below his belt. I connected with dead air.

He had swerved out of my way and kicked my leg out from under me, causing me to fall. He caught me before I hit the ground.

He smirked at me. “Tsk, tsk, my little firecracker.”

If someone had seen us in this pose, they would have assumed we were going to kiss. That didn’t happen. Instead, I could feel the powerful grip of his hand twisting my arm behind my back. Struggling against him didn’t make it any better, a reminder he gave me immediately.

“You spoiled kids really don’t know any better,” he said, in a condescending tone.

If he hadn’t been so hot, I would have been completely disgusted by the way he was talking to me, but, yet again, I felt the strange sensation of excitement well up in my chest. As he led me towards the door, I considered kicking him, but the sheer power of his arms, and the surprising grace with which he moved, had me deciding against such rash actions. I was already thinking about running the second he’d have to let me go.

“How did you get in here?” I asked, hoping to distract him. The man said nothing.

Any thoughts of running died when he yanked open my front door. There were at least ten guys dressed in black jumpsuits waiting for us outside.

“Who are these men?” I asked.

“We’re your neighbors,” one of the men replied. A few of the others snickered.

“Can it, Gary,” my captor snapped. “Just escort us out to the van. You know this one’s a flight risk. We can’t have the boss finding out that our hostage tried to escape.”

“She only tried to escapeyou,” Gary muttered.

The man holding me stopped to stare him down. “Is that so?” His voice was cold as ice.

Everyone got quiet, and soon he was escorting me into a service elevator. Only we got in, leaving the rest of the men outside my apartment.

“There’s moremen down below waiting for you,” he said as the elevator doors closed. “Don’t make a fool of yourself in front of them.”

I gave him a pleading look and he had the audacity to wink and smile.

“Could be worse,” he said. “I could have hurt you in there. That would have been a real shame. Giving such a beautiful, young lady a broken leg would be no way to present you to my boss.”

“Why does he care what I look like?” I demanded.

The elevator door opening interrupted any answer the man might have given me. Someone shoved a rag over my mouth and a bag over my head, and tossed me into the back of some vehicle. The last thing I heard was the trunk slamming shut and my world went completely dark.

* * *

I awokewhat must have been hours later, in a dimly lit room. Already, I was missing the view of my apartment. I would have laughed, but I was feeling too weak to do anything. My throat was dry and I had a raging headache. In front of me was the man who had originally appeared in my apartment.

“For someone so rich, I would have thought your father would have had better security on you,” said the man.

Apparently, he doesn’t pay his bills.There was a spark of anger at my father, that he’d let my safety slip between the cracks. At least the man in front of me was a familiar sight.