We just had to get the timing right.
Because there was only a small crew back in each of the Reed and King strongholds, I made a wild suggestion to Aaron.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Aaron said. “Her father will ruin everything.”
“I know, but she seems to want him around. Even through all of his toxic activities,” I said. “I at least owe Emma that favor. I have to try.”
Aaron shook his head. “Suit yourself. We’ll need to leave a day early, so let’s head out tomorrow. Don’t blame me if you get the two of you killed.”
As worried about it as I was, I knew it was the perfect time to make the hit and try to get her father to come with us. Emma deserved to know that I would do anything for her, especially when it came to family matters. I told her to get ready, and when I told her my plan with her father, she gave me a powerful hug.
“For me?” She asked.
“For you,” I agreed. “But if he doesn’t want to go with us, we’ll have to let him go.”
She nodded. “What if he does? That’ll be exciting.”
It wasn’t the word I’d use, but maybe her good energy was just what I needed. I hoped for the best, but was ready for the worst. Getting Lane Price to go with us wouldn’t be easy, and it meant going back to the King stronghold that Lane had purchased for them. It felt like taking a step back, but as we boarded the boat to get back to the King stronghold, Aaron took me aside. “I’ve made contact with Lane. I think he actually wants to go with you two.”
“Now we just have to get in and get him out.”
It was a tumultuous ride back upriver, but I could sense Emma’s excitement.
“I’m going in alone,” I said. “If there’s any problems, I told Aaron to take you without me. If there’s even any sign that the mafiosos are going to get you, he’s taking you to Thailand. Wish me luck.”
I was nervous, but I was ready to put my life on the line to get my woman what she wanted. When we got to small drop-off point in Lincoln Park, I got out and made the long walk to the residence. The mansion was lightly guarded and it wasn’t hard to get inside. I made my way through the building like it was my home.
The lightsin Lane’s room were shut off when I got there, forcing me to rely on sound to figure out where things were. There was definitely someone else in the room. Whoever it was, they were moving around like they were drunk. Either they didn’t belong in the room or they were completely intoxicated. After a moment of fumbling, I found the light switch and flipped it.Karen stumbled towards me, blinking rapidly in the sudden light, and she did not look well. Her face was pale, and her hair was much shorter.
“Help me,” she said. She wasn’t Karen anymore but a ghost of herself.
“Where’s Lane?” I asked.
All she could say was, “Help me.” Then she passed out.
Too late I realized it was a set-up. I bolted for the door, intent on finding Lane and getting him back to Emma. I didn’t make it far when I saw Lane Price walking with more of his men. Frank King was with them too, looking like a ghost; he was still recovering from his most recent brush with death. I feared for the worst, which was the unknown.
It waslike Lane could sense my fear, and he simply laughed. “You really came back for me?” He turned to Frank. “I told you he would.”
Both men laughed.
At that moment, I heard shots fired outside.
Emma!She was going to have to leave without me to get to safety, and my heart broke.
Frank and Lane’s eyes went wide, and I looked out through the hall window at whatever it was they were staring at.
Asian men were climbing over the walls, and several guards were either fighting for their lives or running. Frank groaned. Lane put his hands up, and I didn’t know what to do. When a small group of these men came to apprehend us, the man who looked to be in charge was familiar. He smiled at me. It was Dr. Chao.
“Get back to the mother of your child,” Dr. Chao said pointing his gun at Lane and Frank. He looked as comfortable with a gun as he did with a stethoscope.
“What about me?” Lane asked.
Dr. Chao laughed. “Oh, that’s up to Jack. He’ll probably say no after everything you put him through.”
Lane looked at me “You don’t know Jack.”
Apparently, I didn’t either, because I found myself saying yes to bringing Lane with me. Dr. Chao said nothing, shrugged, and let us go.