Page 42 of Forbidden Captor

It was a comfortable prison at least.

I asked about Jack, but Karen said nothing. Part of me suspected that they had killed him, but I didn’t think my father wanted his grandchild to be without a father. There was also our forced nuptials, which had me stressed.

Marriage was supposed to be a beautiful thing. It was supposed to be the union of two souls for the rest of their lives in holy matrimony. Instead, father had managed to turn it into an ugly thing, one of his little business deals.

I wondered what father had done to make sure the gangs were under his control. I knew he had bought important people, but how much violence was happening under my father’s iron fist was beyond me.

I waited for Jack daily, and on the seventh day, Karen came to the room, visibly flustered.

“He got out,” she said. “Your father would have had Jack’s guards offed, but he did the work himself.”

I don’t know why she was telling me, but I saw the look of respect that Karen had for him. As sadistic as she was, I could tell that she respected him, maybe even feared him.

“We don’t have much time,” Karen urged as she threw my things into a bag. “Your father wants you moved to another location.”

I started to argue, but before I could get a word out, I saw him out of the corner of my eye. Jack was just outside of the window.

Karen aimed her gun and fired.



My baby was my strongest motivation to keep going, and they were the reason I was still alive. Lane Price couldn’t stand the idea of his grandson being fatherless, but I couldn’t stand the idea of my child being born for the purpose of bringing two mafias together. All Lane cared about was his business. I had no fear for my life, but I was terrified of losing Emma. She was my everything.

My imprisonment was quite humiliating, Lane had someone did a deep, steep hole near the septic tank. If that hadn’t been enough, the guards would constantly throw water at me, and sometimes trash.

It served to anger me, and all I could think of was getting out.

I caught a lucky break one morning on the seventh day. One of the guards had dropped a small shovel which was wide and big enough for me to climb out with. During the shift change, I had made good use of my time by climbing out.

The relieving guards saw me too late. I was much too fast, and soon I was walking the perimeter of the mansion hoping to not get caught.

I had a short time of quiet until the other guards saw that I had escaped. I started to hear yells in the distance, and I knew my time was growing short.

How do I get to Emma?

Without Jason I had no guide, but if I could get up to the roof, I’d have a much better vantage point to spot Emma.

Down below I could hear the guards shouting, and I moved slowly so as to blend in with the dark rooftop tiles. I stopped when I heard Karen’s familiar voice.

Emma was up and that’s when everything went against me.

Karen shot at me, breaking the glass window and setting off the security alarm. Emma screamed in horror, and I ducked aside to avoid the falling glass. I crashed through the window and Karen shot twice more. I felt a slight sting in my arm as I rushed her. She yelled and I knocked her out with the flat of my gun.

“They won’t shoot you,” I said. “Come with me. We need to hurry.”

Emma did as told, and we left Karen on the floor, unconscious.

“What’s your plan?” Emma asked.

Truthfully, I didn’t know, but I moved determinedly towards Lane’s room.

“We go to your father,” I said. “After that, we just hope for the best. Maybe he’ll marry us off today, but either way, he won’t do anything until after the baby is born.”

Emma nodded. She clearly wanted to be still, but she was keeping up with my pace. I could see her small baby bump, and I placed my hand on it. I could feel the gift of life, and knew I had to do everything to make the best of this precious gift.

“He’s not going to be happy,” she told me. “Dad hates being woken up in the middle of the night.”