Page 41 of Forbidden Captor

“Yes.” I raised my chin defiantly. “But not for you.”

Truly though, I didn’t know how I actually felt. It was all coming too soon. I felt the weight of the world over me. My father was smiling, and it didn’t look like a happy smile. It was the kind of smile he wore when he knew he owned someone.

“Then it’s settled,” my father said. I wanted more time to let everything settle in, but my father was not one to wait. “Emma, you will marry Jack before the baby is born. And your son will be the heir to the mafias that I own.”

“And what if he’s not a boy?” I asked. His cavalier attitude towards the baby made me sick with disgust.

He laughed. “Youwillgive me a grandson.” He stood. “You may go. I’m sure the King and Reed families will thank you. You’ve spared us a lot of bloodshed.”

Jack turnedand tugged me out of the room. “We need to get out of here. You know he’s about to call his men.”

I nodded.

We took off, the walls of my father’s Chicago mafia mansion blurring together as we ran. It was a short lived run. We were stopped by several of my father’s men.

“The asset can’t leave,” was all my father’s men said.

Jack was outnumbered, but he still fought for me. He took down five men before being completely overwhelmed.

I fought back tears as I remembered my father laughing as his men were taking me away. Jack was knocked unconscious after putting up quite the fight, and I had to watch as he was dragged to another room on the other side of the mansion.

The last thing that I remembered was hearing my father’s devilish laughter.

* * *

It must have beenhours later.

I was in a dark room, laying in a very comfortable bed. I reached out with my hand for Jack, but felt nothing. I could only fill the empty hole in my heart with him.

Telling my father that I would have Jack’s child was not the relief I’d hoped it would be. It was the beginning of a nightmare instead.

Someone came to my room. I didn’t even remember going to bed, only that I had cried because my father had laughed hysterically about my wedding. I dreaded and resented that my father was forcing this on us. As much as I wanted Jack, it didn’t feel right being put into a shotgun wedding. Worse still was Jack’s absence. Father had separated us, a sadistic decision that would leave me tortured for many nights. I often wondered what Jack was dealing with. I laid awake that first night, hoping for Jack to get me out of there. If there was something that I could count on, it was Jack saving the day.

However, I was sorely disappointed that night when Jack never appeared in my bedroom to steal me away from my father’s iron fist.

It wasn’t until the next morning that I learned that Jack had been placed in the worst prison.

My father told me as we were eating breakfast together. “Jack will have to climb out of the dirt before he marries you.” He let out a sadistic laugh. “Let’s see if that man really loves you.”

I stared down at my full plate of food. The comfort bestowed upon me wasn’t fair when Jack was being so mistreated.

I had no doubt that Jack loved me, and I hated how hellbent my father was on making our lives miserable. The pain of knowing Jack was in trouble and suffering hurt like no other.

I couldn’t stop the tears from falling, but my father was heartless. He merely asked Karen to take me to my room. I almost didn’t go with her, but I knew that doing anything else was a bad idea. My father clearly didn’t care for me, nor did he care about my well being.

I was silent as Karen led me away. Luckily, so was she.

I sat in the room for hours, and when Karen returned, she had some kind of kit with her.

“What don’t you do?” I asked.

“I don’t sing,” Karen said. “Not very musically inclined.” She took out a blood pressure cuff and slipped it on my arm, casually jotting down my vitals.

“We’ll get you to a doctor soon,” Karen said. “Now that you’ve become your father’s way of owning both of the gangs…you’ll be guarded 24/7. There will always be someone to watch over you.”

I groaned. I just wanted out of there, and I wanted Jack.

The days were long, but Karen and I got into a routine. She would bring me breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between, she would come to bring miscellaneous things to me, or she would take my vitals.