Page 39 of Forbidden Captor

He didn’t understand. He didn’t understand why I would be under Emma’s spell, why I would go out of my way to do anything for her. It wasn’t the fact that she was simply a beautiful girl; no, it was much more. Men who haven’t experienced heaven wouldn’t understand.

I didn’t dignify Jason’s question with a response.

Jason grunted, and we were silent as we drove to the house at the heart of Lincoln Park.

It was exactly as I thought it would be, massive and luxurious. And heavily guarded.

Jason drove past the house. He pointed at several spots on the property.

“We get in through there,” he said. “Braden thinks I’m going to just walk up there and do this the way he thinks it should be done, but he’s not the one risking his skin.”

I agreed.

Jason continued. “There’s a few things to watch out for, including the shift change. It should happen in about ten minutes over there,” he pointed. “When that happens we have a five minute window to go through that hall over there, and make our way through the mansion.”

“What if we run into Frank King?” I asked, curious to see how Jason would handle that situation.

“We don’t,” Jason said. “Man has a temper, and he won’t be happy to see either one of us.”

I nodded. “We’ll need Price on our side.”

Jason nodded. “Lane will be our next stop once we get Emma.”

I figured that Jason would have had a better plan, but he was right. Frank King would not welcome us with open arms.

Would Lane?

We got out of the car and walked towards the outer wall of the property.

“Don’t let them see you,” Jason said.

We snuck past the guards easily. The outer wall was where the first shift change occurred, and we both followed the men guarding the wall to make sure they didn’t catch us. It’s embarrassing how infrequently people look over their shoulders. Jason proved to be a great guide, and I was floored by his stealthy ability. I took a mental note to be careful should I have to cross him.

Once we were in the inner part of the building, Jason whispered, “That way is usually pretty empty. Frank’s room is over there—” He motioned down the hall. “—so we need to be on the lookout for any movement.”

We easily slipped downthe hall, and when Jason finally told me where they were keeping Emma, I rushed foward and threw open the door.”

She gasped, but the second she realized it was me, she raced to me and threw her arms around me. I missed her strawberry flavored lips, the gentle kisses she gave me, and, most of all, her. Emma held me in her arms, her soft body meaning everything to me.

“Hurry!” Jason said.

I told Emma to follow me, and she did. We had passed several rooms when she abruptly stopped.

Jason nodded. I was confused, but I followed. We entered the room where Lane Price was sleeping. It was then that I understood.

Emma shook him awake. When she spoke, her voice was firm. “Daddy, I’m not leaving without Jack. That’s the end of that.”

I was thankful for Emma’s vote of confidence, while Jason was still doubtful. He gave me a less than authoritative look, but Emma was in charge. That’s why I loved her so dearly.

“There’s no one for me other than Jack. I love him, and he’s the father of my child,” Emma said.

I heard Jason gasp behind me. I suspected I had his recent awakening for the lack of immediate outrage, but he was alert enough to consider both of us with a calculating look in his eye.

“You love him?”Lane asked.

I held my breath. Part of me was terrified to think that Emma would say no, despite everything she had clued me into.
