Page 29 of Forbidden Captor

I was disturbed that Karen knew something about Emma that I didn’t. And what was the big deal with the Kings?Since the last turf war, we had managed to keep the peace, but more importantly, they weren’t much of a tactical threat to us.

That said, Emma’s billionaire father could very well be behind the King’s newfound power.

But what was it that Karen knew about Emma?

I couldn’t wait any longer. I called Emma. When she answered, she sounded like she had been crying. My heart sank. Worse, she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, and she sounded nervous.

“Karen?” she asked when I told her about what I had been through. “But she seemed so nice.”

“Don’t trust her,” I said, as Emma kept redirecting my attention away from herself.

“So what’s going on?” I asked Emma, hoping she would confess to whatever it was she was hiding from me.

Emma kept her cool, but I could feel the tension in her voice. “I’m about to get home,” she said. Then she hung up.

You know that feeling when you know you’re being lied to? It’s worse when it’s the person you love the most. The pain hit me deep, but had to get over it. I was a man. More importantly, I was the man who would protect her, no matter how dangerous the situation. I couldn’t let my feelings jeopardize her safety. Still, it stung that she hung up on me so quickly, and when she got home, things weren’t any better. For my part, I was really making the effort to make her feel comfortable telling me. Short of completely betraying me for another man, there was nothing she could do that I wouldn’t forgive.

“Emma, you can tell me,” I said, holding both of her hands. She had just arrived, and, after a brief hello, I couldn’t bear thinking she was upset with me. I had to make things right. I had to make it known that she was my world.

Emma’s face turned white when I told her she could tell me anything.

“What are you so afraid of?” I asked, gently. I could feel her desire for me as I got near her, and I whispered in her ear. “There’s nothing in the world that will hurt you if I have anything to do with it.”

I didn’t know what to expect, but I could feel her hot breath as her lips came to mine. Her kiss was sweet like a soft, summer rain, and she looked me in the eye. I could feel the weight of the world reflected in the pools of her eyes, the sunlight shimmering in her eyes. We held each other’s gaze for a minute, and, I knew that whatever it was, that it was important to her.

“You can tell me whenever you’re ready,” I said, resisting the urge to force her to uncover whatever she’d hidden in the dark corners of her soul. I only wanted to know when she wanted me to know. I allowed myself to give in to how I felt for Emma.

She kissed me again on the cheek, and said, “I love you.”

Then she walked away. I believed that she loved me. I believed that she wouldn’t betray me, but I knew she had a lot on her mind. She turned around, and motioned I follow her with her finger.

We went to the bedroom, where we gave into our passions. Love is a wild thing, one that makes no distinction between fantasy and reality, yet manifests itself so powerfully in the physical world.



Ikissed him on the cheek and told him I loved him. He made me feel just right, when I had dreaded his reaction. I hadn’t told him just yet, and I reflected back on the days before I finally did. Living with Jack in this beautiful country was a dream. The palaces and historic sights nearby had me feeling like I was a true princess. But all fantasies must come to an end, and the day I realized I was late was when I knew that my life would change forever. I denied it was happening, yet the signs only grew stronger. I started having to use the restroom much more often, and my breasts became very sensitive.

I didn’t want Jack to find out, so I started to keep my distance from him. I thought he knew, but it was hard to tell. All that mattered to me was keeping him from asking too many questions.

However, I started to question everything myself.Did I really love this man? Was I going to keep his child? Was I really pregnant?Of course, I knew that answer as soon as I took my first pregnancy test, even though I took several more, hoping the first was a false positive. I had to be careful with the details, however; Jack was a stickler for details, which meant I had to be even sneakier than him. After several days of this difficult way of life, I realized that I had to get out of the house. Jack was pretty overprotective of me, but he did take care to make me feel like I had free reign of the house.

As I was leaving, a woman appeared at the front door. She was very masculine, and when I spoke with her, I was surprised to hear a feminine voice.

“How may I help you?” I asked.

“Hi. Emma, right? I’m Karen,” she said. “I’m a friend of Jack’s.”

“That’s strange,” I said. “He never told me about you.”

“Does he tell you everything?” Karen asked.

I shook my head, and Karen smiled.

“It’s been years,” she said. “May I come in?”

“I was just about to head out,” I said.