Page 23 of Forbidden Captor

“Mine,” I said, and she grinned from ear to ear.

“I’m sorry I don’t want to be in the city,” she said. “I’m just so tired of it.”

“I could use some real rest.” I plopped into my seat. Emma laughed, and we snuggled up against each other in the airplane seats. One of the flight attendants seemed to take exception to this, but thought twice about it when I gave them a sharp look.

Sleep would be bliss, even if it was in a tiny airplane seat. I had hardly gotten a chance to rest, but everything would be fine where we were going. The Reeds would have no idea where we were, and the Kings would never think to touch us there.

At least, I hoped. There was the man who had tried to abduct Emma, but we were well away from him by now. I closed my eyes, and the time passed quickly.

Emma woke me up, and seeing her first thing in the morning was the one thing I never knew I always wanted. Her smile was bright, and her eyes knew something deeper than knowledge.

“We’re landing!”

I nodded, and asked her if she knew where we were going.

“It says it up there.” She pointed at the flight screen. “Thailand.”

“Guess I’m not good at surprises,” I said, somewhat annoyed that I couldn’t keep our destination a secret from her. I had forgotten how much flights had changed since I first started in this business. It used to be that you could just hop on a plane. Now, there was a whole security entourage on you, or at least, there was in the States.

I was glad we were in Thailand. It was summertime there, and the living was easy. I looked out of my window, and saw the sprawling city with its roads ready to take us on.

“We can walk around and enjoy ourselves now,” I said. “Bangkok is quite the city.”

Emma gave me a wicked smile, like she was going to make a dirty joke. She didn’t though, and soon our plane touched down. We got out of the plane and made our way through the busy airport. I’d been here before, but never with such a beautiful woman. Emma’s gaze darted all over the place, taking everything in silently.

“Want to go sightseeing today?” I asked. I felt energized despite the bad airplane sleep.Maybe I’m just so excited to be here with such a young, delicate flower.

Emma nodded dumbly, like she’d never seen a city.

I leaned down to her. “Wait till we get to the countryside.”

“I can’t wait,” she told me. “But let’s enjoy the city. Take me on one of the bus tours?”

Emma didn’t strike me as the kind of girl who liked sight-seeing, but I saw a spark light up in her that she hadn’t shown before. I immediately got tickets for a tour that would take us through the whole city. A nice young man led us to the bus, which we immediately entered. Emma had to sit on the top deck. I didn’t argue; I was just holding her hand, ready to enjoy myself for a day. There’s something about traveling the world that I deeply love, and Emma was acting as if she’d never been out on her own. I began to grow worried that she wasn’t independent enough, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.

Admittedly, riding the bus to sightsee wasn’t my cup of tea, but I figured if we were going to be here a while, we might as well get a full view of the city. Emma had something else on her mind, however. Placing a hand on my thigh, she whispered in my ear. “Let’s get off this bus.”

I knew exactly what she was thinking.Sex in a public space?

“You naughty girl,” I murmured.

She gave me the most wicked grin and led me off the bus as soon as it stopped. Several of the other passengers voiced their surprise that we were getting off in the middle of traffic.

I noticed the perfect space, a parking garage. If we were lucky, we could even find a car. She giggled as she realized I was taking charge and looking for a good spot. Sure enough, I found a four-door sedan that wasn’t locked. When I motioned her to get in, the surprise on her face was worth all the risk we had taken. Eagerly, she climbed in, folding the leather seat down. She dragged me in after her and climbed on top of me.

It wasn’t so much the act of sex as it was the rush of adrenaline that had me hooked on her. She was wild and unpredictable, and so full of life. She made me feel like I was her first love, and, as strange as it was, it was a more than welcome feeling. I had more than enough room to enjoy her in that sedan, and when we were finished, we climbed out of the car as if nothing happened. Of course, if you looked at her you knew that she had just had the time of her life, her light orange hair mussed up in sweaty bands clinging to her face. It was a real sweet thing to see her like that, and I was on cloud nine.

“Ok,” she said. “We need to get out of the city, now.”

I agreed. She deserved the joy of the countryside, and the peace that came with it. I hungered for peace too, and desperately wanted to soak the sun for a few days before doing anything else. We caught a train to Ayutthaya and headed out of the city about eighty klicks north.

Emma was blown away by the old temples and ruins.

“Finally, something other than a concrete jungle,” she said. “Everything’s always so centralized in the city, and…” She shook her head. “It all just looks the same.”

“Well, this ain’t Chicago,” I said.

She pointed at the ancient ruins and started to rattle off some historical facts. “What do you know about Thailand?” she asked, like she was challenging me for blowing her off. I loved how she called me out.