Page 19 of Forbidden Captor

“What could possibly happen?” She sounded annoyed, and upset.

“Just let me worry about it,” I repeated. “You stay quiet until we get to our room. Then you can ask away.”

The driver dropped us off at a large apartment complex, and Emma gave me another look. The city was beautiful, and I had no idea what her problem was with it.

“What about breakfast?”

One thing about me is that when I’m in work mode, I forget to eat. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

“Look,” I said. “Stay quiet while I arrange the work necessary to accommodate us, and I’ll think of something.”

She pouted but nodded her head. There was something about the way she pursed her lips that highlighted her beauty. That red hair of hers curled up against her cheeks and I gently moved it away.

“Don’t be long.”

“You’ll be with me through this part,” I said. “But get used to me leaving you be.” I had to get her used to the inevitable future. I didn’t want to leave her, but my work required constant travel and danger. I had put her through enough of it already.

We made our way up the several flights of stairs to my old contact, Randolph, who could guarantee me work. When I knocked on the door to his place, he opened the door, and made a suggestive remark in German about Emma.

“No,” I said in German. “She’s with me.”

Randolph looked surprised, then shrugged. “She can’t be present if we’re going to work out a deal.”

“She already knows. She stays,” I insisted. I gestured for Emma to sit down and Randolph gave in, leading me to another room. It appeared he was in the weapons market.

“Can you get this past customs?” he asked, opening a box of grenades.

I stayed silent for a minute, pretending to think about it. I already had the distribution networks set up here, though using them ran the risk of the Reeds finding out I was around these parts. Still, Emma and I would be long gone before that information got out to them. I nodded and gave him my price.

“Very well,” he said. “You get the money when the job is done.”

I had a few hundred dollars but I didn’t know how long that would last us. I asked him for an advance.

“A beggar?” He chuckled, then pointed towards the door. “Maybe you can’t get this done and should go.”

I didn’t need this. “It’ll get done. I just need the money to make sure she’s comfortable.”

Randolph laughed. “A pretty young redhead’s got you, huh?” He shook his head. “You’ll get the money as soon as the job’s done. No sooner.”

I left the room upset, but when I saw Emma everything changed. The way the sun shone on her had me in awe; she looked like an angel with the light reflecting like a halo around her. There was nothing like seeing her and knowing she was mine.

“What do you want for breakfast?” I asked. “We can find lodging as soon as we’re done eating.”

She smiled. “I don’t know this place well, do you?”

“There’s a cafe nearby. We’ll have to walk, cab fare can be pretty expensive.”

“You can’t just steal a car for me?” She shot me a devilish smile.

“We need to lay low,” I insisted.

She laughed, and I realized she was making a joke. We walked out, and I decided to take her advice. With so little to my name, I knew I wouldn’t be enough for this gorgeous queen. She didn’t need to be walking around the city with someone as rough as me.

It was a good thing that she didn’t seem to realize that. She reached for my arm and leaned in as we made our way across the pedestrian-friendly city.

“Is this place far?” she asked.
