Page 18 of Forbidden Captor

Iwanted no one but her. It was crazy, I got assigned to take this girl and I ended up…taking her. Literally. Emma handled herself pretty well in the face of danger too, though I could tell when she was extremely uncomfortable. I didn’t blame her. Yet, she still wanted to be with me, and go through with this.Right?

She was smilingfrom ear to ear when we’d gotten on the plane, and so was I. That’s why I was a bit sad about having to leave her alone wherever we ended up.

The Reed Mafia will stop at nothing to get that rich man’s daughter from me. I’ll have to stop them the only practical way I know how. By lying.

Lying was a life skill, especially when you worked in life and death. I had to find the right words to explain why I took this beautiful young woman for myself. Braden Reed was not forgiving, so I had to be extra smooth.

For the moment, I was fortunate enough to simply enjoy being with Emma. I’d had plenty of girls in my past who were eye candy, but Emma was so much more.I hope she continues to grow, because if she can’t…

I know that most people focus on their setbacks, but that’s not how I got to be Braden Reed’s top lieutenant. I needed to find the right words to explain what I was trying to do to Emma.

Only with her, I would never lie.

Being a former Navy SEAL, I was used to hard work and danger. Usually, however, we dealt with mostly men. Occasionally, I had been tasked with rescuing a female soldier, but back then I had a whole team. With Emma, I was completely alone in making sure she was fine. Only, I wanted her to be more than fine. I wanted her to be comfortable.

Looking at her sitting next to me, I put my hand on hers. It had been so long since I had been with a woman, and I hardly realized just how much I yearned for a woman’s touch. Emma’s hands were soft, and I thought about the days when I had come up as a young soldier. First the Navy, then the mafia. Joining the mafia was an entire story in and of itself. I wanted to share it with Emma, but we needed to get somewhere private. I couldn’t risk people overhearing, especially on our flight.

While Emma was sleeping soundly next to me, I was alone with my thoughts. I remembered several of my old missions and I was even a decorated soldier. Then, when I returned to civilian life, everything changed. Part of me yearned to tell Emma right at the moment I thought about it. The plane’s lights were dim, and I had to force myself to sleep. Eventually, I did, with Emma purring softly on my shoulder.

My dreams woke me up more than once in the night.

In one, I dreamt that Reed’s men had found us.And why shouldn’t they? I trained them myself.

I saw the man who had helped us set up everything at the small private airfield just outside of New York. He was leading members of the Reed mafia, along with that strange woman, to capture us. I awoke in a heavy sweat, relieved to see Emma still sleeping.

If only we had left from Chicago…

Braden Reed had eyes everywhere in that city, however, and I was more than happy to show off my flying skills to Emma. With her, everything that I enjoyed about adventure felt fresh, and seeing her enjoy it for the first time, I felt the same joy I felt when I first flew.

I went back to sleep, and had another dream that the Reed men were waiting for us in Frankfurt. However, that was unlikely, as I had gone through great lengths to divert them.

The next time I awoke, Emma was awake, and the pilot was announcing our arrival. We disembarked and made our way through the airport.

“When you get questioned,” I said, “the customs agents might give you a hard time. If that happens, stretch your arms wide, and I’ll get you out of it.”

She eyed me curiously. “Can I talk now?”

We were making our way through throngs of people, and, it was unlikely anyone would be listening in on us. I looked around, then nodded.

“Good,” she said. “I have a lot to say. And a lot to ask? What do I tell customs?”

“You’re here for business. If you can muster a bad accent, they might leave you be. If you sound too American…”

“Got it,” she said. “Make sure to tell them I’m a barbie girl.”

I laughed inwardly. She had a dry sense of humor. “Come on, this way.”

We made our way through customs, with the agents not saying much when Emma spoke to them.

I joined her as we exited the gate, and we made our way outside. Despite the early hour, the airport was already crowded, and I spent some time trying to hail a cab. German wasn’t my strongest language, but I was able to give the driver our address.

“Where are we headed?” Emma asked.

I didn’t want to tell her too much, as the less she knew, the better should anything happen to us. “Let me worry about it.”

She rolled her eyes at me. Then she started pouting. I didn’t need this, but there’s always something.

“I don’t want to tell you everything,” I said. “In case something happens.”