“Ever flown before?” he asked.
Everything from the close rumble of the engine to the breathtaking clouds was new to me. Being rich, I had always gone in private jets but none so close to the elements as what Jack was flying.
Jack didn’t even need an answer to know that I had never flown like this before. We soared through the skies, and I never felt freer than I did at that moment. Even with the Reed Mafia at our backs, I knew we would be ok.
For his part, Jack wasn’t much of a conversationalist. I tried and sometimes he would talk to me like it was cumbersome. He would, however, point out beautiful things in the sky for me, and, as we landed just outside of the city, he asked, “Did you not like the idea of staying in Frankfurt?”
I could tell he was upset, but I couldn’t lie.
He nodded when I told him. Then he sighed. “I’m not a billionaire,” he said. “I’ll have to earn the money. Think carefully about where you want to go. Depending on how long it takes me to get the money we need, we might be in Frankfurt for a few days.”
“That’s it?” I asked.What was he going to do for the money?
“What do you mean, ‘that’s it’?” He sounded irritated at my question. Then he calmed down. “It won’t be long. I have connections in Frankfurt. I used to work for the US government, and…”
He stopped talking, while I looked at him with pleading eyes. We were quiet for the rest of our trip, though he did apologize for being so distant.
“It’s a lot. Let’s take our time with this.”
There was an irony in his wanting to take his time after what he had done with me in that barn house and on that field. Regardless, he had saved me from certain doom at the hands of the Reeds. Before things got too awkward, we started our descent. I couldn’t believe I was in the hands of such a capable man. It was more than money could ever buy. All the men that were around my father were simply sycophants who wanted to please us in every way. It felt so empty, but with Jack, there was only truth. And danger.
“They could be following us right now,” Jack said.
“The Reeds?” I couldn’t believe it. I looked behind me and Jack chuckled.
“Not quite so literally, but they have their ways. We can lose them if we move fast enough, but Frankfurt’s a real danger for us,” he said. “The cheaper the locale, the better on all of us.”
I tried to understand what he was implying.How is he planning on getting us money?He had sold his last valuable thing for plane tickets, so I assumed we would be depending on his ingenuity. Of course, I could always sell my jewelry.
“I’ll sell my earrings,” I offered.
Jack turned around to me, looking hurt. Then he scowled. “I’m taking care of you. That’s that.”
I felt a warm rush at that. This man wasn’t shackled by his bank account. He could do anything. He proved it time and again, as we landed safely in an empty field.
There was already someone waiting for us, and Jack got me situated in the car. I saw him aiming his gun at the man, and I screamed.
He turned, saw the look in my eyes, and lowered the gun. He knocked the man out with the butt of the gun.
“Fine,” he said getting in the car. “But the second he wakes up, he’s telling one of the Reeds where we’re headed. I can guarantee that.”
“Does he really deserve to die for that?” I asked, upset yet also very much intrigued at what I had just seen.There’s nothing he won’t do for me. “Besides, why would you tell him where you are going?”
Jack smiled. I loved the way his eyes lit up at my wit.
We drove off, making our way to LaGuardia Airport. “We could have gone to an airport in Chicago,” I said. “Would have saved us a trip.”
He laughed at me. “Do you ever not have something to say?”
I shrugged, wordlessly.
“The Reeds have eyes at O’Hare. Want to get caught?” he asked. “Besides, we have to get you a passport. You have a passport?”
Again I shrugged. He gave me a ‘really?’ look and I shook my head no.
We both laughed. Getting the tickets had been easy since they were one-way. Getting my passport was another story.