Page 14 of Forbidden Captor

“Want to go on an adventure?” I asked.

Joy radiated on her face and I could see the fire in her eyes as she nodded.

Emma glanced from me to her shackles, and I immediately got her unbound. She cupped my face and kissed me as soon as she had a free hand, and for a second, all time stopped.

My eyes opened, and I could see shadows coming down the basement steps. I rushed her towards the high basement window leading out onto the front lawn. I boosted her up and she wriggled out, reaching her hand back for me.

“Quick, they’re escaping!” It was the wicked woman who had tended to me.Who was she? Could she be one of Reed’s many illegitimate children?

There was no time to think. I shook my head and struggled out the narrow window.

“Which way?” Emma asked.

“No time,” I said, jettisoning both of us as I let her hand go. We were running towards the next street as I heard shots behind us.

I glanced back. The woman wasn’t alone, and there were several men getting into a car.

Sliding to a halt, I broke the window of a parked car and got in.

“Open the door,” she was saying, but I was already doing just that, and she got in the car. We sped off, and I could sense the relief on her.

“I wouldn’t relaxif I were you,” I said. “The second they see us, this whole thing is over.”

“Not if I can help it.” She reached down at my pants.

Euphoria struck me as I realized that she was telling me to give her my gun. I grabbed it and passed it to her.

“Know how to use it?”

She was already locking and loading.

“When’d you learn how to shoot?” I asked. We were nearing the highway, where I would be able to blend in better at a moment’s notice.

“Get us out of this neighborhood!” she yelled as she twisted around and fired her first shot. “They’re right behind us.”

There was a screech as we turned the corner. “Almost there!” I was thrilled I wasn’t with some useless brat. I’d stumbled upon the real deal.

The car shot out onto the main road that would take us to the highway. I sped up as I saw the strobing red and blue lights I dreaded seeing.

“Now we haveto lose them and the Kings!” I yelled.

Emma placed a comforting hand on mine and gave me a soft kiss. “If anyone can save me, it’s you.”

Adrenaline, lust, and confidence flowed through my body. I rocketed onto the highway, with the police right behind me.

Just a few miles…

I had an old barn house just outside of the city where I could hide us. It had enough food for us for days, at least until I could manage to find a flight out of the country.

I pulled off the highway with the police in tow, heading towards some backroads. The car screeched to a halt and Emma ran with me.

After a good ten minutes of frenzied running, we were able to slow down. We walked in silence, with the sun setting above us. Soon, there would be dusk and then the stars.

“Thank you for saving me,” she said after a while, the night now settling in with its cool, blues and occasional sighing breezes.

“I had to make sure you were ok,” I said.

“No,” she said. “I mean, yes thank you for that but—“ Emma stopped, holding my hands with both of hers. She looked into my eyes. “I mean,” she said. “Thank you for saving me from a boring life.”