Page 11 of Forbidden Captor

My father came home that night, forcing me to stop planning my escape. I would have to wait until he was gone to keep thinking up a solution.

I heard a knock at my bedroom door. “Dinner’s served,” one of the guards said.

“I’ll be right out.”

Here I was trapped in a cage, and I couldn’t do as I pleased. I missed the relative freedom of my apartment, but after getting kidnapped….

There was a small part of me that enjoyed the thrill of everything I had gone through, but more than that, I wanted to make sure Jack was ok.

I left my bedroom after freshening up, and sat down to eat with my father. He wasn’t much of a conversationalist. While father and I ate a cold-hearted dinner, my mind was on the man who had just given me his all. Jack was not a man to take no for an answer when he wanted something.

I was grateful for the quiet at dinner, and I excused myself to the parlor room. The window was open, and I could hear two guards outside smoking together. They hadn’t seen me, so I listened in on their conversation.

“Word isthat Braden Reed’s lieutenant is a survivor,” said one of the guards. My heart sung the praises of my man’s will to live, but then the other guard spoke.

“He won’t be for long.” He laughed. “We sure did give him quite the beating.”

As angry as it made me, I kept quiet. I wanted to hear where he was staying. Unfortunately, their conversation didn’t last much longer. The two men went their separate ways, one of them entering the parlor room.

“Oh,” I said, feigning surprise. “I didn’t see you out there.”

He simply nodded and walked by me further into the house. The other guard stayed outside, still smoking, and I decided to go back up to my room.

How was I going to find out where Jack was?

That night I couldn’t get any sleep, and he kept appearing in my dreams.

In one dream,he was at death’s door, crying out for me. It was his last breath, and I appeared at his bedside to give him one last kiss.

In another, he was rescuing me from my father’s, and he took me away after killing all of my father’s men. Jack had me, then took me to his private airplane, where he whisked me away to Thailand and spoiled me in more ways than my father ever could.

Of course, none of this was happening, and I awoke in a passion-filled sweat, wanting Jack. I looked at my clock and saw that it was early in the morning.

Maybe I can wait out the guards for their shift change. I need to think up a way to cause an explosion soon.

There was something about an explosion and destruction that got me going. That something was Jack.

I got up and looked out of my window. There were two guards outside. Father had ensured that the place was heavily secured. The sunrise was still a ways away, but I needed to act fast. I left my room and started searching for a lighter, but found none in any of the drawers I checked. It was easy enough to keep any of the guards from seeing me sneaking around; most of them were probably asleep and the rest were doubled up on door duty.

No lighters, no explosives, no…

I was in the kitchen when I saw it. I’d once accidentally caused a small fire in the microwave when I was still living with my father, and I was pretty sure I could do it again..

I went over my plan: get the microwave, load it with aluminum foil, plug it in somewhere in the back of the house to draw the guards away, and get back to my bedroom before it exploded. This would give me a perfect view of the front doors below, where I could see if the guards had left.

I grabbed the microwave, which was surprisingly light, and took it to the laundry room, wedging it in by the water heater. I set it to ‘high’ and darted out, hoping I could make it back to my room before it blew or someone caught me.

I barely made it halfway up the stairs before I heard a bang. A moment later, I heard a second, much louder explosion. I grinned; the microwave must have set off the water heater. I rushed up the remaining steps and flew to my bedroom window. My wish had come true as I looked down at the front door. Sure enough, both of the guards at the front rushed inside to get to the source of the explosion.

I could hear several men yelling, but I didn’t have time to celebrate; I only had a short time-frame to pull off my escape. The next shift wasn’t here yet, and I had successfully diverted my father’s men.

I climbed out onto the roof, and crawled onto the adjoining tree branch. I shimmied down to the lower branches and from there it was a light drop. I knew that I had to be quick before my father’s guards realized I was gone.

Running out onto the street, I looked back to see nothing except the open front door where my father’s guards had been. I smiled a little at the thought that I had beat my own father at his own game. Surely, he would appreciate my ingenuity—he always said he wished he had had a boy to teach the ways of the world.

So much for that, Dad.

Once I was a few blocks away, I stopped running. The sun was beginning to rise, and, with the light hitting me slowly, I felt the rays of freedom opening up in my heart.